Should I get this guitar


The Impaler
Nov 16, 2005
Chicago, USA
Hey everyone, been a long time since I posted here. (no time to troll the forums anymore :/)

Anyways, my bday's coming up soon and I was thinking of getting a new guitar since my current one is literally falling apart. My budget is about $500 and I know there's a few decent guitars in that price range. First I checked out the Jackson DXMG

However, a couple days ago I was browsing the Facebook Marketplace and stumbled on this:

It's a Schecter ATX 7 String which goes stock for $850 from what I've seen. This guy, however, is selling it for $500 with a hardshell case and he lives like 30 min from me. From a standpoint of specifications the Schecter is better than the Jackson, however, I'm not really sure about the 7 string part since I've never played one before. I know a lot of you here are very guitar-savvy hence why I'm asking your opinions about this.

Yea, I've found no bad reviews about this guitar. My only concern is that I've never played a 7-string. Is it an easy transition from a 6 string to 7?
It shouldn't be that hard honestly. I've played them a few times myself and I have never had much trouble with it within the first half hour of playing on one, but that could just be me.
Quite honestly, for me it was just a natural cycle. I had my 6 string drop tuned to drop B/ C standard. THen I bought a 7 string, and it felt instantly like it was made for me.
Go for it, the "less is more" mentality is made up by people with tiny penises. 7 strings is king
I want a seven, get it.

Also props for not linking to some omgalexi style guitar, I would have anheroed if you did.
I have a dxmg, it's so purdy. If you can't sweep, don't buy a 7 string, unless you want to be like this asshole and not know what the other 4 strings are for.

I already have this omgalexi style guitar OMGALEXI so I figured it was time to get something different, you know?


I have a dxmg, it's so purdy. If you can't sweep, don't buy a 7 string, unless you want to be like this asshole and not know what the other 4 strings are for.


Yes. A sevenstring is a normal guitar with extra tonal range, not a chug machine for lazy faggots who can't be bothered to tune down their six-strings.
So the guitar that I wanted to buy is no longer listed.. I'm not really sure what happened since the seller never replied to any of my messages, so I'm guessing he probably sold it. This means that I need to find a decent guitar in the $500-600 range. Any suggestsions other than the DXMG?
