^^^^If that's the case then this is simply a question on what you value more.
IMO, the sound difference between the KS-7 and the Mayones will exist but I don't really think the difference is so big that the Mayones will sound way better than the LTD. Think of it this way: if you get the LTD instead of the Mayones, and don't get the tone you want, are you really going to blame it on the fact that you got the LTD instead of the Mayones (assuming similar specs like mahogany body, EMG's, etc.)? Perhaps the play ability will be different (though that can also be subjective). Guitar players like to be very hyperbolic sometimes when it comes to the quality of their guitars, especially when the guitars are expensive. Guitar quality and price is not a linear relationship.
I wouldn't even bother with the KS-7 reviews...it will be a good guitar. It's a mahogany bodied guitar with EMG's and an Evertune...what can possibly go wrong considering its also coming from one of the most renown guitar manufacturers in the world?
Considering the circumstances, I'd get the LTD. The Mayones will obviously be nice but if you can't afford the Mayones that you exactly want you probably shouldn't be considering one in the first place.