Should I trade my DSL100 for..


Aug 2, 2007
.. a 2203KK?
Straight swap.
I use the DSL for clean/crunch sounds mostly.
Would the KK do these sounds?
The amp would be for studio use only so channel switching is not important.
Range of tone is.
I also have a H&K Triamp II, Mesa TR, 6505.
Definitely. The cleans aren't to great on the 800, it breaks up fairly early and you have to really crank it to sound good, but the distorted tone is legendary. Needs some boosting though if you want to get really heavy and don't want to use the "Beast" feature.

Best thing would be A/B-ing them in person if you can.


@ Marcus: Haha! Not a bad idea. ;)
Yes; but don't get the JVM. It sucks. Stick with the KK; if you need cleans, use low gain, and then a boost pedal to get it into high-gain.
No, the JVM is a great-sounding amp, you just don't like it because of the delay switching channels
Thanks for the responses.
I decided to keep the DSL as the clean/crunch almost breaking up sound is great on it. I have plenty of other heads for high gain sounds.
I may buy one in the future but keep the DSL.