Show off your desk/desktop

So, how fitting this is, I just resigned the desktop a bit..
So, here goes:


This is my main workspace on, workspace 4, also conveniently named "comms".

The most obvious things you'll see are:
  • WindowMaker (window manager)
  • gaim (instant messaging client)
  • Mozilla Firebird (web browser)
  • irssi (IRC client) in an Eterm (transparent background, tint green)

The dockapps, from left to right:
[EDIT: Fuck. I just noticed that you don't see those, actually, the browser's in the way..]
[EDIT²: alright, let's just add another picture.]


  1. the clip
  2. wmdocklet, with the gaim icon
  3. wmmail (mailbox display)
  4. wmbubble (system load)
  5. wmpload (network load)
  6. wmmusic (XMMS control)
  7. wmfishtime (just a clock)

And launchers for: Mozilla, Mozilla FireBird as well as Galeon.

GTK2 theme used is the "Gorilla" theme; the background is called FSF Yellow Stars (FSF being the Free Software Foundation, and that thing you see is a, or rather the, Gnu.).

Font changed to "Minya Nouvelle", 12 pt. Looks screwy enough to use. :)

my desk sucks.
ugly room, ugly surface and its messy


but i have some cool gizmos


and here's my desktop. generally it's not so wussy.
