Shreddage Bass 2 vs Trilian


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2017
Looking for a good (and relatively inexpensive) bass VSTi and I see that Impact Soundworks is having a 50% off sale. Shreddage Bass 2 is currently $79 and I'm wondering how it stacks up when compared to the legendary Trilian. Would like to hear some opinions for those who have tried both! Thanks.
I'd suggest better to go with either Zombass (dunno if 4th is still free), love FTS Edge bass and Panda bass sound amazing. Trillian sounds grate but it's taking so much space with all other not needed sound banks and Shreddage bass is ok but lacks that aggressive attack I like for metal bass.
Looking for a good (and relatively inexpensive) bass VSTi and I see that Impact Soundworks is having a 50% off sale. Shreddage Bass 2 is currently $79 and I'm wondering how it stacks up when compared to the legendary Trilian. Would like to hear some opinions for those who have tried both! Thanks.

Get shreddage bass 1 if you own Kontakt. It's great. Shreddage bass 2 is fingerpicled
Thanks for the advice. Since I don't own Kontact I don't think Zombass or Shreddage 1 are really an option for me... I went ahead and bought Shreddage Bass 2 and you're right, it seems a bit stunted on the attack because of a lack of pick noise. Maybe I'll have to cave and buy Kontact one of these days but I'll need to save up for sure.
You can check out Ample sound basses, no kontakt needed, But the lowest they can go is B. Also you check out Modo bass by IK Multimedia, also no need for kontakt. Very high customizabilty, but pretty high price too.