Sick of the mp3 thing

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I think when harddrives around 1-10Tb becomes standard we'll start to see lossless. The jump from 320 to lossless isn't completely worth the amount of extra space for the casual listener.
But I do think anything below 320 should die a fast and horrible death with a very painful afterlife.
That's part of the argument. If wanting a 'lossless' digital audio file to be the end-format for a professional product makes you an 'audiophile', then there is obviously something wrong with the distribution industry.

Nobody is forcing these artists to print CDs if it's financially non-viable. All that's needed is to provide a lossless digital download option - exact same distribution method as the mp3s. So there's absolutely no grounds for this from a 'convenience' point of view.

I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't spend several thousand on a monitoring set-up so that I would get treated the same as the average bimbo who plonks her favourite tunes on the ipod to go treadmilling to. Certainly amongst a community of musicians and engineers, there have to be those who have a greater love for music than to be caught in the 'yeah, close enough is good enough' mentality.

Bringing songwriting into it is fairly asinine. Even the best of music will sound better when presented in a higher fidelity form. We're talking purely aesthetics here.

IMO the whole reason an AE has a job is because of artists in the first place, therefore doing what you can to realize THEIR desire IN THE STUDIO is the goal...and if the end result is them to release on a format you don't like is up to them.

And I still stand by the idea that if you feel a song is hampered by being in a 256+ mp3 format vs. a lossless audio file, it ain't the song with issues. A good production shines through. WOuld it sound better as a wav? Perhaps, but on the leveled playing field of the listener (i.e. assuming most songs are listened in the same format) the good is still good.

I really don't like mp3's at all, I really don't. But I hesitate to complain about what an artist does with their music...I mean, it's theirs, not mine.
The problem is Nate, a lot of artists don't get to decide. I have no control over the TNBD debut not being available as a FLAC, because we went through a channel where our album was available in as many places as possible. Unfortunately that means we are subject to iTunes not having lossless, we are subject to Spotify not having lossless, etc...

I can totally understand where Ermz is coming from, though personally for myself, I can deal with a 320kbps file - nothing lower than that mind.
Yeah but you went for saturation there, same as we did for Slice The Cake.
Cleansed is available mostly through channels that will grant you shoddy quality, sure. You guys not got a bandcamp page? I mean you could always just use that as your to-go link for letting people purchase your music.
If someone asks me where to but STC, they get the bandcamp link, at least that way they have bitrate options, whether they want 'em or not.
Ermz it;s just people don't seem to notice the difference between mp3 and wav. however I really do, I have been thinking the same thing - I don't buy mp3's only wavs unless absolutely necessary but even then im not happy about it.

To be honest you can get away with mp3 for audio that has a lower average db, but for audio that has a very high average db even encoding lame mp3 320kb/sec it completely screws it and chucks it way beyond peak. (a classic example of this is the Death Magnetic Album) any mp3 I've made of it if opened the mp3 in cuabse and run the audio statistics on it it shows you can the mp3 completely kills it and clips it to hell and back. If compared witht he wav the difference is incredible. I imagine this happens to a lot of nu-metal and whatnot. I found converting the death m cd to mp3 the only way to make it not go over was the before encoding it to mp3 to lower the db a couple of db and then covert to mp3 - the difference was a lot better.

Anway people really do need to understand this, and bands need to give option of downloadable wavs to buy rather than gravitating towards mp3 only for purchases!!
Yeah but you went for saturation there, same as we did for Slice The Cake.
Cleansed is available mostly through channels that will grant you shoddy quality, sure. You guys not got a bandcamp page? I mean you could always just use that as your to-go link for letting people purchase your music.
If someone asks me where to but STC, they get the bandcamp link, at least that way they have bitrate options, whether they want 'em or not.

That's true. We do have a Bandcamp, and currently the only thing on it is the compilation we took part in recently.

But I reckon the new album will be available through it later on in the year, and we'll definitely be doing the whole FLAC thing. At that point, I might even figure out a way to offer the first album in FLAC too.