


With no built in side chaining it can be a bit of a bastard to get the kick/bass sidechained within Sonar.

This SHOULD work for Cubase/Nuendo too.

Set up a stereo FX bus and send your kick to it panned HARD LEFTand your bass to it HARD RIGHT.

Mute the send on the bass for the time being and load your comp/gate/whatever effect with sidechain capabilities,


Twisted Lemon Sidekick


Kjaerhus Golden Audio Channel

Voxengo Crunchessor

A free gate would be

Anyway, once you have your kick triggering the effect in the way you want, bring in the bass and you'll find it pumping/whatever you intended it to do in time with the kick.

The problem here is you have your bass 100% right and a kickdrum too.

The best and free way round this is to use MDA audio imager ( ) to bring the bass to the centre and cancel out the kick drum so you are simply left with the sidechained bass signal.

This can work in any number of ways and is not limtied to kick/bass.

Itäs a cool workaround that isn't too complicated.

Thanks Gavin, yeah im wanting to get a better knowledge of side chaining, im using Nuendo. so i will try that out
since it's using VST plugins rather than built in features, it should be a fairly universal solution.

Let me know and i'll add Cubase and Nuendo to the title.
From the cubase forum, it mentions Voxengo Crunchessor, but other compressors with similar capability should work:

Ducking in Cubase/Nuendo

The following example will use a kick drum track to duck/compress a bass line track:

1) Define a new Quadro Group and in this group 2 child/sub-groups ("Stereo" and "Stereo (Rs Ls)").
(How to do: See Page19 in Operation Manual of SX3)
2) Route Bass track directly to "Stereo" of the Quadro group.
3) Route Kick track directly (or with Pre-Fader Send (see below)) to "Stereo (Rs Ls)" of the Quadro group.
4) Insert crunchessor in an insert-slot of the Quadro group.
Start with the preset "Club is pumping" (or pull the Drive-knob to maximum)
in Crunchessor to see/hear the effect.
Choose a Side-Chain channel in crunchessor (in this case "SC: 3+4").
Leave the Crunchessor window open to see the effect via the gain reduction meter:
When the kick drum sets in, the bass track will be ducked/compressed according to the
compressor settings applied to the plug-in.

Routing with Pre-Fader Send:
Why this method ?
Of course you can route the kick track directly to the Quadro group,
but you won't hear the kick drum at the stereo output bus in this case.
a) Route a send-slot of the kick track to the Quadro group and activate this send-slot.
b) Set Pre-Fader switch to ON (the "at" symbol).
(This is necessary to retain the control over the volume slider for the kick track)
c) Set the Send-Amount slider to 0 (CTRL left click on the slider).
The problem here is you have your bass 100% right and a kickdrum too.

I don't understand this... I usually do sidechaining with Sonar and there is no panning.
If you send a track panned, it sounds not's virtually panned for the sidechaining (Waves have different options L->R, R->L, etc... )
I don't understand this... I usually do sidechaining with Sonar and there is no panning.
If you send a track panned, it sounds not's virtually panned for the sidechaining (Waves have different options L->R, R->L, etc... )

Same idea, but this is designed for stuff that doesn't ahve these options and will do the same job, you just have to use the imager to bring the bass back centre.
Pro Tools:

1. Open a compressor/gate with a side-chain such as Digi Dyn III

2. Create a bus send on the track you want to trigger the side-chain

3. In the Digi Dyn III select the bus send in the side-chain key input

4. Adjust the send level & compressor/gate to suit your needs

What advantages does this technique have?

One example: You can't get the kick & bass play nice together. You turn up the bass and you can't hear the kick anymore. You turn up the kick to compensate and now you can't hear the bass. Aside from all the EQ and multing you can do at this point... If you side-chain the kick to a compressor on the bass, you can make the bass duck a couple db every time the kick drum hits. This way, your bass is still loud in the mix throughout the song, but it doesn't overpower the kick drum, and vice-versa.