

New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2003
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i just got hatecrew deathroll from the end yesterday and....dont hate me for saying it but its shit to me. the only song i like is "needled 24/7" thats it....every other song sucks :cry:

i dont know whats wrong with me and whyi dont like it but i dont...its depressing. but ill still love hatebreeder, ftr, and SW to the end \m/
COBetterthanyou said:
i just got hatecrew deathroll from the end yesterday and....dont hate me for saying it but its shit to me. the only song i like is "needled 24/7" thats it....every other song sucks !:cry:

i dont know whats wrong with me and whyi dont like it but i dont...its depressing. but ill still love hatebreeder, ftr, and SW to the end \m/
it's no idea fast-forwardin them ;) jk
just listen trough the album 4-6 times and i bet u'll feel different :p
HCD is a little different than their previous albums, listen to it very carefully and maybe you'll start liking it, beacuse it's so FUCKIN' GREAT!!
loWildChild said:
Hey COBetterthanyou. The first time I listened to it I though: WTF? But trust me. Now I think its the best COB album...

It was the same with me. I'm not sure if it's the best one, though.. but at least very close.
yeah it sure is a great album, just give it some time!
the minute i heard those melodic guitar/keyboard intervals(dunno if this word even exists in english :loco: ) i was sold :D