Sign in for the covers compilation project


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
Ok , here you put your name and the songs you wish to cover ( 2 songs maximum ). You've got until next sunday evening to make up your mind. Only Anathema songs to begin with but ANY of them is welcome.
It's ok if more than one person want to cover the same song.
You'll get something like 2 or 3 weeks to record the songs and we'll have a 100MO boundary so if it's full before the deadline , it's too late ! (but I doubt that)

So here we go :

Moi :
-Shroud of false/Emotional Winter/Destiny medley ( yeah ,I know, Duncan... :p )
-Eternity part III
ok. anyone who wants me comin to their place to do some vocals must pay for the presidential suite at their local hotel, plane tickets, hookers, etc. and i'll be there tomorrow. oh, and i need a limo waitin' for me at the airport...

*falls off the bed and wakes up*
we'll probably give a go to lost control, release, sweet tears and restless oblivion. maybe not all of them, we'll see.
well, i'll give a listen first to that thing i have (i think it was one last goodbye)
i dunno about other songs, a tiny perhaps destiny, urm... and antimatter later on.
Hey if there is anyone who can help me out by playing drums, i would appreciate it. I might do something from serenades (sweet tears, sleep in sanity maybe) possibly "deep" or something from eternity (suicide veil, the beloved, eternity part 3)
Right now i'm not too sure. I know little about recording and i use cakewalk (I mic it) if someone could be so generous to add the drum track i would appreciate it, even if it's an articificial machine track. We would both take credit for it. if interested email me at thanks
"dont look too far"
it's just gonna be me and my classical guitar. MAYBE i'll borrow my guitarist's acoustic and MAYBE i'll write some basslines on it, but i doubt it. so me and classical, in the end. but promise to NOT laugh too hard lollololers
We're gonna try to have some space available on Monday. When it's ok people will have one month to upload their stuff. So if we manage to get the space on Monday the deadline will be May 14th.

Fuck! We began recording yesterday and it was fine for the music but the vocals were really crappy. Who else hates to hear his own voice on recording ?
i dont have any problem with hearing my own voice on a tape. cause i know and accept its out of tune. :cool: