Signal Splitting to a 6505+ and a Dual Rec


Jul 25, 2011
Anyone ever thought to try guitar signal to a signal splitter into a Dual Rec and into a 6505+ both running into different cabinets and then mixing both cabinets with 2 57s (4 in all) and then to your DAW and blending the tone?
Anyone try that or know there would be a problem I'm overlooking?

EDIT: would there be a phase problem?
Couple things you have to watch out for. First is ground loop/buzz. Most a/b/y boxes have a ground switch just for this. Next is Phase between the two. I have done this method in the past with success. I think radial makes a box we used for splitting the signal and it worked great.
Used my Baron K88 with a 5150 running stereo into a Mesa traditional using the Radial Twincity ABY. That box was perfect, has the ground switch and phase switch. I loved the tones I was getting but started to hate the 5150.

As you can hear here the Baron is just so much clearer. vs K88 with Mesa Traditional.mp3

First K88 then 5150 then both. They are both separate tracks with the same mic position and dialed in the best I could. Not exactly what you said but I blended them. Not the best clip either just showing the differences of both amp.
tried that in the room but wasnt recording so no mics.. sorry thats not much help, but theres no reason you wont get great results