Signing area for 03


Dec 30, 2002
Visit site
The meet and greet area is a must again for 2003 after the success of it last year. One thing though dont bank on Paradise Lost doing it. At the Fleece in Bristol they flatly refused to sign a thing and went and hid on their rider like proper "Rock-Stars". Another thing about P.L. is have they returned to the Draconian Times "sound" or are they still experimenting with their direction a la the Almighty and tweeking the sound to whatever is "in" ?
Why would a band not want to do something the fans that put them where they are today?

As for their sound I gather the new album I a little heavier than the previous 1 or 2 but not as much as the older stuff
Could make it an arguably short set then!!!

Originally posted by Andi
Why would a band not want to do something the fans that put them where they are today?

Surely a bands only obligation to their fans is to provide music? By playing live, are they not already doing something 'for the fans that "put them where they are today"? You could say i am a fan of signing sessions ( ;) ) but i don't expect it of any band, but if they do, bonus!!!
Surely a bands only obligation to their fans is to provide music?

I wouldn't say it's beyond the call of duty for a band to chat with the fans and sign stuff etc, as long as the fans are polite and decent about it, then I think it's a little rude of the band to refuse to sign anything or ignore the fans etc.

As for the signing area, it definately has to make a comeback! I'm not leaving Derby until I have a photo of me with Tarja :D