Sigur Ros, Explosions in the Sky type band


May 19, 2010
So I just started on this project today, this is going to be a fun one I can already tell. What I have here is the drums that were tracked and I think so far they sound pretty good without really being mixed. The band wants a really natural sounding recording so I'm not sampling as much as I normally would. So far I've gotten away with just sampling the kick, since the original was pretty horrible sounding, and a little on the toms. The guitar is only a scratch run straight in through his pedals. Let me know what you guys think! I may keep this as a kind of journal if people like the music, I'll just keep posting each instrument (Fender Twin Reverb, Deluxe, Ampeg SVT classic) so let me know!
I love this style of music.

I wil say that your kick is way too clicky and metal for the style, snare a bit to cracky as it is, and cymbals a bit too 'up front.' What kind of room mics did you have running, and how much low end are you leaving in the OH? This style demands massive use of room mics, especially for cymbal warmth, and a good bit of kit in the OH mics can go a long way.
yeah I'm really not happy with the kick, gonna be switching it around as the mix goes on. My cymbal setup was a little different; a blue spark as a single overhead, an ADK SC1 for the crash, an MXL v67g on the ride, and a CAD piece of shit as my room mic. right now I have the lows primarily cut out of the cymbal mics up to about 350, but I left everything in the room mic down to 60.
alright... gonna be finishing up tracking the drums this morning and possibly start on bass. Let me know what you guys think so far.