Silent Night, Bodom Night cover.

Those guys are so gay.. they've covered other songs from epica, nightwish, sonata arctica. It's not funny at all.

Not to mention the acoustic guitar rofl.
That guy was looking so cool drumming with those kitchen utensils. It was so cool it made me want to smack myself over the head with a meat tenderizer. What was the singer holding anyway? Was that a mustard container?
why does noone find this funny? its just a few guys fukcin about...ok theyre slightly homosexual but its not exactly mean to be serious.
O ya, that was pretty cool. I almost didn't see the "drummer" drumming with A SPATULA!!!! That was the gheyest thing I have ever seen. Thank you for wasting 2 minutes of my life
Thrash fiend said:
why does noone find this funny? its just a few guys fukcin about...ok theyre slightly homosexual but its not exactly mean to be serious.
I don't find it funny, because they're trying to be funny, and it's not working.
Bodom After Breakfast said:
I don't find it funny, because they're trying to be funny, and it's not working.

I don't find it funny cause they do the same thing for song after song, search for them on google video theirs a lot more of them.
It still beats all the pussy Laiho arse licking shit you guys have been putting out.

The difference with these guys? they KNOW they are shit.
hahaha, im sorry, but thats fuckin gay... although i did find it funny... the idea of someone makin fun of Children Of Bodom does fuckin piss me off, but i meen, come on... look at the "drummers" face... he looks like hes fucking literally retarted... i can see him hittin his fist to his chest sayin sumthin retarted such as "dah-boo" or... well yeh thats all im seein.... but yeh, i run into these guys... were gona have a gooooood laugh and then im gona have to punch their faces in for mocking not only my favorite band, but also favorite song!!! >.<
ShadowXVII said:
hahaha, im sorry, but thats fuckin gay... although i did find it funny... the idea of someone makin fun of Children Of Bodom does fuckin piss me off, but i meen, come on... look at the "drummers" face... he looks like hes fucking literally retarted... i can see him hittin his fist to his chest sayin sumthin retarted such as "dah-boo" or... well yeh thats all im seein.... but yeh, i run into these guys... were gona have a gooooood laugh and then im gona have to punch their faces in for mocking not only my favorite band, but also favorite song!!! >.<

I so agree with this.. lol "i can see him hittin his fist to his chest sayin sumthin retarted such as "dah-boo" or... well yeh thats all im seein...."