Silent Night, Bodom Night cover

to MasqueReaper, do you see why I don't come to ultimate metal anymore? The old members are all gone cause they can't stand the noobs. We should probably peace out and get the hint that everyone here is a big fag. but ya know what Warheart and your boyfriend Jeremy...we are gonna nail this cover and shove it up ur dickhole
to MasqueReaper, do you see why I don't come to ultimate metal anymore? The old members are all gone cause they can't stand the noobs. We should probably peace out and get the hint that everyone here is a big fag. but ya know what Warheart and your boyfriend Jeremy...we are gonna nail this cover and shove it up ur dickhole

Cool. I'd like to see it.
In the mean time, you should remove that suckerfish called MasqueReaper from your ballsack before you catch something.
Cool. I'd like to see it.
In the mean time, you should remove that suckerfish called MasqueReaper from your ballsack before you catch something.

You know, you are both complete losers, it's people like you and your bridesmade Warheart that ruined this forum a long time ago with your man-drama. I love how you took the time to come to both of these threads to bash these guys, you must be a very productive person. Personally, I don't give a shit about either of your opinions. Mutiny will get big without your approval, and once they post their Bodom cover, it will speak for itself. The true music fans out there, who appreciate hard work and talent, will enjoy it. Knowing both of you, you will bash it even if it is amazing. Fortunately, the people who have ears and brains, will ignore you.

We already got the feedback we wanted from these threads for the band, and we appreciate the productive comments that were made. I hope that you reply to this message, bash the shit out of me and my friends, and get all of your buddies to +1 it so that you feel better about yourselves.
:lol:!!! This is just too much.

If the cover is amazing, then I will say it's amazing.

If the cover isn't as good as Bodom's original, then I will say so. End of.
You know, you are both complete losers, it's people like you and your bridesmade Warheart that ruined this forum a long time ago with your man-drama.
What the heck are you saying?
Seriously, Jeremy is just new but seems to be a good person and <-Warheart-> is one of the best persons around here... you should be honest and admit that you said nothing real.

I love how you took the time to come to both of these threads to bash these guys, you must be a very productive person. Personally, I don't give a shit about either of your opinions. Mutiny will get big without your approval, and once they post their Bodom cover, it will speak for itself. The true music fans out there, who appreciate hard work and talent, will enjoy it. Knowing both of you, you will bash it even if it is amazing. Fortunately, the people who have ears and brains, will ignore you.
You just "don't give a shit" about negative opinions only... I wonder why.
Anyway people who have ears and brains maybe sometimes tell you positive things just not to ruin your dreams.
Seriously, you should learn to be humble and accept really some different opinions and be more tolerant.... and not to attack when you're not attacked.
You know, you are both complete losers, it's people like you and your bridesmade Warheart that ruined this forum a long time ago with your man-drama.
How did I ruin this forum a long time ago when I've been here for like... 3 days?

I love how you took the time to come to both of these threads to bash these guys, you must be a very productive person.
When I take the time to watch a video of a band asking what we think, I will say what I think. In this case, I didn't enjoy it. Is that a crime? Some other guy on here posted a link to his band the other day ( ) and I gave a review on that too. It was honest. I said what I liked, and I said what I didn't like. I happened to like them. I always be truthfull when stating my opinions. Why say you think something is good when you don't?

Personally, I don't give a shit about either of your opinions.
Then why do you keep arguing about it?:lol:

Mutiny will get big without your approval, and once they post their Bodom cover, it will speak for itself.
Thats cool, and I wish them the best of luck. If they work hard on their music and put a lot of dedication into it then they deserve to go somewhere. In order for their bodom cover to speak for itself, it is going to have to be much better then the Silent Night Bodom Night one however.

The true music fans out there, who appreciate hard work and talent, will enjoy it. Knowing both of you, you will bash it even if it is amazing. Fortunately, the people who have ears and brains, will ignore you.
I won't bash something if it's amazing. I appreciate hard work and talent. But it takes a lot more then playing a bodom cover to be really talented. I also have ears and a brain. If I didn't have a brain I wouldn't be typing this because I would be dead. If I didn't have ears I wouldn't be here because I would have no fucking clue what Children Of Bodom was.

We already got the feedback we wanted from these threads for the band, and we appreciate the productive comments that were made. I hope that you reply to this message, bash the shit out of me and my friends, and get all of your buddies to +1 it so that you feel better about yourselves.
I am not bashing the shit out of you and your friends, I am replacing your fanboyness with facts. Don't expect to always receive good feedback about a band when posting their music somewhere. Even the biggest and best bands out there receive countless ammounts of bashings.

For the record, I said that this bands originals were decent. It was the cover that I thought blew. But because I thought that it sucked, I have no friends... have no brain... have no ears... am a n00b.... need I go on?
You know, you are both complete losers, it's people like you and your bridesmade Warheart that ruined this forum a long time ago with your man-drama.

They are not losers, and this has what to do with Fruitiny? Anything that happens here has nothing to do with what will happen to the band. You're just bitching cuz they have an opinion against yours which is totally what a forum is about. So if anyone is "ruining" the forum, it's people like you who want everyone to share their views and say nothing in opposition to them.

Commie much? :Smug:

I love how you took the time to come to both of these threads to bash these guys, you must be a very productive person.

Ofcourse, by expressing their opinions in threads that ASKED FOR THEM, that meant they went out of their way to bash them and "ruin" your threads :Smug: Grow up dude.

Personally, I don't give a shit about either of your opinions.
Obviously you do.

Mutiny will get big without your approval, and once they post their Bodom cover, it will speak for itself.

Ok, first part, if the cover is good it will speak for itself, so till then just be quiet and don't make an ass of yourself any further. BTW talent doesn't mean shit. It sure fucking helps but you don't even want to know how many musicians there are out there that have great talent aren't doing shit. It's about the music, not just talent.

And people are allowed to have opinions, so good luck to this band (that you aren't in btw, so stop trying to clutch onto their coat-tails) and I hope if they do make it big that they learn to deal with criticism. Cuz they will be given a lot of it regardless. I personally thought they were ok, nothing amazing though. Especially the vocals, those need to shape up or be replaced imo.

A band I enjoy much more is:

I think they're better, but some people may not... do you get the concept of personal opinion now?

P.S. Stop kissing ass! :p

The true music fans out there, who appreciate hard work and talent, will enjoy it. Knowing both of you, you will bash it even if it is amazing. Fortunately, the people who have ears and brains, will ignore you.

True music fans? So if a person doesn't like this band they're not true music fans? Wtf man... are you even reading the bullshit you write?

If someone doesn't have brains, it's you. And that is because you think we can't see why you're kissing ass so much. You just want to be associated with a famous band and go on tour and get a taste of the life. That's the gayest reason of all to support a band. If they make it, that's good, like I said best of luck to them. But honestly, by defending them like they were your girlfriend against people's opinions that only makes yourself and them look bad.

We already got the feedback we wanted from these threads for the band, and we appreciate the productive comments that were made. I hope that you reply to this message, bash the shit out of me and my friends, and get all of your buddies to +1 it so that you feel better about yourselves.

What's this "We" bullshit. You're not part of the band man, don't forget that. All the ass-kissing won't change that.

If the cover is amazing, then I will say it's amazing.

ZOMG NO WEI!! :lol: I thoguht we had to like it cuz they said it was good!

wow. that was actually pretty good. every band i have heard trying to cover bodom totally suck....but, yeh, i like them.

Untrue... I used the search function on this forum one day looking for "Bodom Covers" when I was bored, and I came across some pretty great covers. There was a band, Iforget the name, that did two Bodom covers, "Everytime I die" and "Hate Me!" and BOTH were flawless.

This thread is awesome

+1 :D