silly question

Or when your friends try to use you as an arm rest because of your shortness...I seriously hate that. I am 5.4 by the way. Haha then again everyone smells the smelly sweaty people regardless of height, but the shorter people just smell it first. >.<

Duct tape nuts....ouch that has got to hurt. Poor guy!
Ikki said:
fucking hell man...are there matresses for your size????

well maybe matresses but i still use the bed i have used since i can remember.. if i lay completely stretched out my feet + a piece of my leg will pop out over the bed, but i never stretch out (anymore) since that wont work anyway haha
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I want slutty groupie girls to discuss other limb sizes of the band members. I think that would bring a much needed image improvement to the band. can start the topic and "break the ice" (???)..maybe then groupies feel comfortable and start to tell us their magnificent stories...:kickass:
Like..uhm..I woz totally at their gig last weekend and eehm...Johann totally brushed up against me. Well there woz 5 mill people pushing against me back and all and ehm...I was hanging halfway ova tha fence and tha security guy had to push me back, but yeah..there was totally a connection there..eehm..I could totally feel tha spark 'tween Johann and me..well most of my friends said it woz tha taza, but they're just jealous becoz Johann likes me bettah[/groupie]

[size=-3]obnoxious language and spelling and grammatical errah's are like..totally intended[/size]
Tyra said:
About 5'6" (are you in feet or cms).

OK, so I'm unna tell you a story now:
Once upon a time there was a fierce Norse warrior (well, actually he was a fierce Norse warrior wanna-be in the SCA) who was so busy getting drunk that he forgot about arms inspection. You cannot fight if you miss arms inspection, so ten minutes before inspection he realizes what he's done. He tries to hurry, but we were in the desert at the time, so it was kind of difficult to hurry and not die from heatexhaustion at the same time. Anyhow, he goes to pull on his jock, and pop schwiiiing, the elastic snaps. Since he is late and has no time to fix the strap, but desperately wants to fight, but mainly because he was inebriated on mead, he decided to duct tape the jock in place. Then he went to inspection, and then he faught. In the desert. In the heat.
Obvously, the goo on the duct tape melted. Obviously 2000 people all heard his screams right across the encampment as his buddy gave him his first and (probably) last duct tape brazilian wax-job.

I shall not be mentioning his name. Anyone who wants to know who it was merely needs to ask anyone that's in the SCA in Canada.

WOOO HOOO Another SCAdain and Johann's sis at that!!!! COOL