Silly things that make you irrationately/unproportionately annoyed or upset

Oh, your post didn't come across that way. It was more like "the above 3 posts are examples of why people are rude jerks LOOK AT HOW THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES"
To be honest, Kev i was a bit confused about your post too. :P Its all good. I try my best to stay out of people's way and stuff in stores but i never get the treatment back! That irritates me! :(
Hey, stationary-underwear irritation is a problem that concerns everyone. I'm bitching for the improvement of quality of life for the entire elastic-banded-undergarment-wearing population of the WORLD.

Keep fighting the good fight, brother. I just can't win, no matter if I wear boxer-briefs or boxers. I am always uncomfortable with underwear on, or it's riding up, or something. But I can't not wear it, then when someone finds out they look at you like you have AIDS.

Dude, me too. Switched earlier this year or somethin' and oh boy so comfortable. I definitely cannot wear boxers ever again.
Women and shower caps.

*changed to women and shower caps, it affects more than black women, apparently.*

Hahahahaha that's right! I forgot about that shit! Old/black/old and black people going to the grocery store with rollers and a shower cap. If they're young, it's always jeri curl and a shower cap.

:lol: I'm reminded of the couch scene in Coming to America where they get off the couch and the grease spots are left where their heads used to be. :lol:
People who buy something and then just stand there at the counter forever, putting away their money/credit cards or getting out their keys. WTF, MOVE ALONG. Yes, I realize it may be impossible to put everything away instantly, but do it away from the register so I can buy my crap, biatch!
Or worse, people waiting in line, sighing, complaining and grunting because things don't go fast enough, and then when it's their turn, they look at the menu, usually with that typical index finger to their lips, and go, "Ummmm... let's see."
I usually shift and bounce around in a line, and I always feel bad because it looks like I'm impatient, where as it's hard to stand still because my knees hurt.