Since I haven't heard from Krank yet....


New Metal Member
Sep 18, 2009
First post so here goes. Got the Krank Rev Jr Pro 20 head last week but I'm wondering if something could be wrong with the amp. When the FX Boost button is engaged the volume is loud and going strong. But when I turn off the FX boost the volume is almost gone completely. I have to turn the amp up to 10 to get the volume back to where it was at 1 with the boost engaged. Even then the tone sounds more fuzzy than with the boost engaged. Anyone else with the amp have the same problem? Emailed KRANK yesterday and haven't heard back from them yet so I figured I try here. thx
There is a volume control on the back. But should I notice such a huge difference in volume when the FX button isn't engaged? It just seems really strange that when the FX button isn't pressed the volume seems to disappear.
honestly that sounds about right...hard to tell though

i know that my rev jr. seems sort of somewhat decently loud without the boost...until you actually turn it on and realize the difference
I have that amp, the Rev Jr Pro.

I NEVER use the boost, even not when playing live. I only really did it once when there was no micing going on.