Singing lessons?

Feb 4, 2004
New Holland
Ok so I'm contemplating taking singing lessons.. I can do gutterals and black metal vocals but I really have a terrible clean singing voice so I want to atleast improve it slightly before I ask anyone to help me..

Can anyone give me any tips on singing clean? My voice, the tone atleast is around the baritone mark and sounds somewhat like Vintersorg, but not quite as deep. Help:cry:!
I've been experimenting with different techniques cos i really dont have any idea, but there are a few things i've figured out.

1) Russel Allen will always pwn the fuck out of me!! lol

2) There is a certain point where u have to form your vocals for different pitches. Low is more towards the back of your throat and high is more to the front..... but u still have to remember to project it outwards even if you form it deep in your throat. Having said that, there is also a point i've found that makes me cough. I'm presuming that is a good place to form my vocals but i cant find it very often so i dunno. Why I think that is a good point is mainly because it sounds a bit better when i use that technique and also if everything else is crap then that must be where it will eventually be good :s. rofl, wOOt for crazy theories!!!
i think buckethead and yngwie are the same person .... until i see them both on the same stage at one time ill think that too.... even then it could be gilbert behind the mask ... lol who will ever know

they def arnt the same person, how do you explain them being on two different sides of the world on the same night. And its not paul gilbert, paul gilbert is buckthead's guitar teacher. And before you even say it, its not steve vai!!!

I can double back the yngwie thing, how do you explain yngwie being a total fatass and buckethead being a skinny rail, you can also see differences in there fingers. Yngwie has fat medium length fingers like me. Buckethead has long skinny fingers.
the yngwie/buckethead thing is a long running joke here thats where i got it actually i made it up and everyone in my town agrees lol we just joke about it though i just wanna see him w/o a mask on. yall shoulda come to the show here in dallas buckethead had 2 amps a fake one and a real one he was supposed to kick the fake one over but walked to the real one and kicked it over and everyone on the stage just looked shocked it was hilarious
whats the best way to learn how to play guitar and sing at the same time...ive been singing and playing guitar separately for 9 years and now i try to put em together and nothin works
learn the song so well you can play it without thinking on guitar.

then start practice singing with it.

pretty much that is the standard way to multitask...
76Strat said:
the yngwie/buckethead thing is a long running joke here thats where i got it actually i made it up and everyone in my town agrees lol we just joke about it though i just wanna see him w/o a mask on. yall shoulda come to the show here in dallas buckethead had 2 amps a fake one and a real one he was supposed to kick the fake one over but walked to the real one and kicked it over and everyone on the stage just looked shocked it was hilarious

You definally, did not make that up. That rumor has been around since buckethead came out.
Actually, it's funny, because here's the truth:

I'm Buckethead.:goggly:

No I'm not. i lied. I'm sorry.