We sometimes get angry mails from people wondering why we chose to ignore certain cities or countries on tours. In reality, everything is taking care of by the booking agency, and we don't have _anything_ to do with the choice of where and when to play. Our input regarding the route of the tours is close to zero, especially when we're touring as a support band - which we've done every time so far except for the "World domination" tour in '97 and on the European tour 2002. Bands of our stature are rarely sitting down with the booking agencies deciding where to play. The usual procedure is that you agree to do a tour and are then informed about the dates on a "take it or leave it"-basis. We're the first to agree that our touring routes have been a bit strange at times, but it's nothing that we can be responsible for. The logistics involved are far more complex than what people usually think, and us not playing at a certain place doesn't mean that we've got anything against it.