Six New Reviews - Hammers of Misfortune, Death, Opeth & more...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Right, I haven't got time to update the entire review index page yet, but the reviews are up in the A-Z index.

HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE - The August Engine [Staff Pick of the Week]
EXODUS - Tempo of the Damned
OPETH - Damnation
BOLT THROWER - Warmaster
DEATH - Human
FLOTSAM & JETSAM - When the Storm comes Down

As you can see, some new reviews and classics uploaded today.

so be prepared to appreciate the sounds of vintage tube amps and custom Les Pauls in a real studio outfit.
*shits pants with reckless abandon*
I need this Hammers of Misfortune, but I already knew that. SOLD! Ya ha, I'm even mentioned in the review, it's like it was meant to be! :tickled:
Heh, if reading the review makes you do that then you might want to listen to the actual album sitting on the bog! :loco:

Also, the review index has now been updated to reflect the new update. :)
Taken from the inside cover of the Twilight of the Idols digipak (1999) release by THE LORD WEIRD SLOUGH FEG:

"Once there was a time when heavy metal music ruled throughout the land and creativity flourished as musicians were able to live out there wildest barbaric fantasies. But then a darkness fell upon the world of rock and roll, and ceaseless, monotonous droning of uninspired musicians created a musical nihilism, forcing heavy metal underground. But there will come a day when metal will rise again as the true ruler of modern music, and bring culture back to the western world. Until then, we must live life in the dark age".

Mike Scalzi writes for Slough Feg. John Cobbet writes for Hammers of Misfortune. Scalzi sings for both, Cobbet now plays guitar for both. These two guys together are making serious waves - both exceptionally talented without relying on formula and cheese. They pay homage to everything that made heavy metal great in the first place, without being cliched. They also don't take themselves very seriously, hence the retro geekiness of it all.

I'd like to check out John Cobbet's side Black Metal band, LUDICRA, next.

Oh, and I forgot to include the Exodus link in the index earlier. Anyway, it's there now. :)
Listening to Hammers of Misfortune for the first time. Yes, this is good. No seriously, this is really good. Love that transition between the first two tracks, very creative.

One word description: GUITARS!!! :tickled: