Sketchy shit..


There is a rain falling
Feb 24, 2002
Canterbury, UK
Ive got a spooky little story to tell you guys. I have a mate, and he lives in a house that is haunted.
The man who previously owned this house was a very frustrated taxi driver, father of 2 girls, and one day, he came home and blew the brains out the back of his head on the louge wall.
Now my mate and his family moved in about 2 years ago, a I saw the wall with all the blood splatter marks, which freaked me out.
Strange shit started going on, like surfaces being swept of stuff, crashing to the floor, TV's turning on and off, doors slamming. The usual haunting story. They decided to get the place exorcised.
Until last monday night, everything was fine. I got a call at 2 am, my mate scared shitless locked in his own bedroom with his wife and baby boy. By the time I got over there, they had gotten out ofthe house, really petrified.

Now I think the reason why he has come back to haunt them, is because he had 2 daughters, the same as my mate, and they live in the same room as the other girls did. Now my mates girls were, and still are, on holiday. So i think the spirit was looking for the girls, as he is protecting them or something. My mate and his wife were locked in their room, and they could hear noise and footsteps coming from more then one of the rooms in the house. There was NOONE else in the house.

They had a Mediem come to the house yesterday, and she supposedly talked with the spirit. It turns out not only had he come back himself, but he brang 4 other spirits with him. These were a monk that had set himself on fire, a Samuri swordsman, an unknown woman and another bloke. The mediem said that the Samurai was there to protect my mates wife and her child. It turns out that he stands gaurd next to the childs bed everynight.
