Opethian Christmas Party


Sep 7, 2001
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse

The stockings were hung around the house with care
With hopes that the Opethians soon would be there

In walked all the members waiting for who
Why none other than Opeth, carrying their choice of brew

We waited and waited and not a moment too soon,
Mikael, Pete, and the Martins strolled in with the booze.

The girls in the kitchen baking “goodies” for all, while the boys struggled with putting the star on the tree without a great demon type fall.

With everything ready and all guests arrived,
Soul4Raziel’s only worry was if his house would survive.

Opeth began to play with a mighty roar,
While all the other forums were stuck with their bore

We ate and we drank having plenty to pour
Staring in awe as our idols played more and Moor

Deep into the night the Opethians celebrated with glee
And when Santa came in, he too lit one up and passed out ‘neath the tree

Happy Holidays Everyone!