Skyfire and Whatnot


Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
I've got a few questions if one of the band members doesn't mind stepping forward and answering :)

Firstly, how often do you guys practice, alone and as a whole band? are the cd sales going? Last I heard a few thousand had been sold..(not too sure if that was a correct figure or what)

Any plans on doing another show anytime soon, as well?

If I pay for plane tickets can I get a show for my birthday? :lol:

Btw...Andreas...Much yay to the short song you sent me. It is very very good :) I hope to hear more!
I will, if Andreas allows me. I'll ask him if i see him on.

Btw..S_D, you think you might be able to tab out Sixpounder after you do Bodom Beach Terror?
Yay! :D

I need to actually pick up the cd instead of just listening to three songs I downloaded :) (whenever we can get it in the US, that is...)

The chorus for Sixpounder is pretty awesome, as is the solo after he shouts "Load the sixpounder!"
hatecrew death roll is a pile of shit. listen to Hatebreeder and then listen to HCDR and tell me HCDR compares at all. they've gone the way of in flames. im glad i didnt buy it.
Originally posted by neal
hatecrew death roll is a pile of shit. listen to Hatebreeder and then listen to HCDR and tell me HCDR compares at all. they've gone the way of in flames. im glad i didnt buy it.

Whoa man. I agree, the album isn't the greatest by CoB standards, but its not a pile of shit by any means !
:eek: In Flames? That is a nutty comparison my friend, In Flames went in a totally different direction than CoB. Its not like HCDR wants to be nu-metal
nah, I agree with Gums, you cant compare CoB and In Flames in their direction with the latest albums. From the four songs I've heard it sounds like its true CoB form...maybe not their BEST form but for what its worth I think what ive heard so far kicks serious ass :headbang:
Originally posted by Shmeir
my fav. tracks off the new album have gotta be "Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood", "Angels Don't Kill" & "Triple Corpse Hammerblow" (even if it is the worst track title ever :lol: )

Yes, yes and yes! :headbang:

I'd also add Bodom Beach Terror (which also has to be one of the worst track titles ever :lol: )