Skyfire samples?


Feb 16, 2002
Turku, Finland
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Hey folks.

I was listening to a internet radio with my 56k modem so the music sounded crappy:(
Anyway...I heard 'timeless departure' and I was like :eek: This is kind of Children of bodom meets Yngwie Malmsteen meets Norther and this kicks ass!:cool:
So do you guys know where I could find some samples of Skyfire 'coz I need to hear some more before I buy the album. Because I don't want to buy a pig in a poke
You could download some on kazaa i guess, but you really shouldn't worry about it. Their album, Timeless Departure is AMAZING. Trust me on this one(even tho i dont know you at all), trust me, its great. If you liked the one sample you will LOVE the album. they rock! :rock: :rock:
I totally agree with Stormrider. If you like one song you will like them all. Not saying that all of the songs sound the same, but they are all awesome songs. Each has its own flare and power. Trust me (or us for that matter:grin:) you will not be disappointed with this album.
Thanks for replies...Very friendly people here:).
It's a shame I don't have icq:(
I'm downloading the songs from the address you gave me stargazer...

Hmm...Well It could help if you guys could describe Skyfire's music&songs
Hey man, i hate to follow suit but i can't disagree with the other guys, the entire album is just gr8.

i would recomend u try downloading "Dimensions Unseen" it will blow u away!!! well it impressed me anyway :lol:
they've got the obvious swedish metal feel, lots more keyboard usuage than most bands, and some damn fast riffs underneath. the vox kick ass too.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :)

It's weird, the first time I listened to it was at 5:30 in the morning. For a few hours straight. :lol: It's got an atmosphere that seems to fit the early morning.
never order from amazon!!!!! bad move!!!! i ordered the Iced Earth Dark Genesis box set from there over 2 months ago, got delayed 3 times!! finally i cancelled the order, and ordered from century media. it's supposed to arrive on monday.

and yea, Gadlor, i agree with that early morning feel. i use that album to wake up for school many days. it sounds even better then!