Skyfire? until now, I never heard of them


upon an oaken throne
Feb 8, 2004
New Jersey
I was searching on for bands similar to children of bodom and such, and i crossed paths with some band called Skyfire...

So being me, I downloaded their first album on mp3 and SHIT!!!! what a SUPRISE! :Spin:

i'm gonna go buy their albums now! wahahahahahahah!!!!!! \m/

I love finding new bands like this.. it just makes your day right?
Yeah the new fans are great :kickass:

I live in Maine, but I'm from Mass and will like always consider myself that, love it down there, the metal is great.
I'm from rich, right-wing, caucasian suburbian nowhere!!!! In my high school (3100 people) I've ran into about 6 who like good metal (as opposed to Slipknot/Korn metal)