skype is clever


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
i just got meself one of those usb phones so i can talk to people for FREE with skype and still get the whole "hey guys i'm holding a telephone" experience and it's pretty crazy! i mean i've been putting off getting a landline because they are really expensive (in sweden) and i would rarely use it - skype is much cheaper and better and everything but anyway i just wanted to say that WAOW i'm seriously impressed with TECHNOLOGY because i'm talking on a phone... but... it's on a computer (?!) :loco:
That sounds pretty good and all but I rarely call anyone, and if I do it's usually via the mobile phone. I mean people can't call you from a normal phone to that phone... right?
yeah, been using IP phones for about a year now ... glitches here and there but overall much better than land lines.

phone bill went from about $100 to $25 a month
fotmbm said:
hur är läget in english
how's it hangin'?
long time no see, how is stuff?
Made more music? What kind? Cello quartet compositions? Black fucking metal? Show.

I've discovered the wonders of pipe smoking :kickass: . Musically, I've been in a rut for a while. Came up with some good stuff on acoustic guitar, but no recordings presently as I had to pawn off my decent acoustic. I'll be gettin' a new one this weekend for me birthday, though. Do you still have my tape? I've written a good 8 minutes more to that track (primarily for 4 acoustic guitars :) ), so that will be the first thing I record if I ever find the "master" tape.
Yea Skype is pretty cool. My friend recently told me there having some deal right now where you can call to any landline for free till december as some promotional thing.
WTF....First time I hear of Skype is today from this thread. Next thing I know, I get an email from EBAY about OMGWTFZ SWEET SUMMER DEALS ON SKYPE!!!111

funny how shit works....
I just searched Skype on DC++ and came up with a bunch of Skype programs. lol w/e

I have had Vonage for the past 2.5 years, probably since the very beginning. It rules completely. Anywhere in the cont. USA for free. $25/month.