skype is clever

the usb phone is just because i'm old fashioned in that when i'm talking on the phone, i want to feel like i'm talking on a god damn phone

you can use headset or even the super nekro solution of headphones + mic
Caelum Adustum said:
I've discovered the wonders of pipe smoking :kickass: . Musically, I've been in a rut for a while. Came up with some good stuff on acoustic guitar, but no recordings presently as I had to pawn off my decent acoustic. I'll be gettin' a new one this weekend for me birthday, though. Do you still have my tape? I've written a good 8 minutes more to that track (primarily for 4 acoustic guitars :) ), so that will be the first thing I record if I ever find the "master" tape.
Good good, soon you're ready for the MAN stuff; snus

Yes, I still have it and it's good, if I could I'd rip it for you or something but my tape deck is famished these days so it keeps eating my tapes :erk: I want to hear more new stuff
Jolly good.

I may have to record the bloody thing again, which sucks because my drum skillzz have probably deteriorated much as I haven't played in 7 or 8 months (I moved and our new house has no space for 'em). I doubt I'll write too much more/any more using electric guitar.

Now for some tea, cherio.