Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy


1. Brett - K A L I S I A
2. TomCase
3. JoshuaLogan
4. ParsonsMatt
5. ahjteam
6. Wisheraser
7. chree
8. Emdprodukt
9. Matt-Steele
10. jamvanman
11. Morgan C
12. Sptz
13. Ashgarth
14. enditol
15. Agonal
16. SentencedToBurn
17. MicSlut666
18. AMaziad
19. Bob Logic
20. Coerti0n
21. shine
22. abt
23. Mikko Vainiala
24. Sinister Mephisto
25. Ohmission
26. Seth Munson
27. Kazrog
28. Cognition
29. Kev
30. jipchen
31. nuclearass
32. AboutBlank
33. AHChris
34. Lasse Lammert
35. Sickan
36. Eddy(RawMachine)
37. Soultrash
38. Teddyboy
39. aortizjr
40. nwright
41. xFkx
42. jangoux
43. Erkan
44. [UEAK]Clowd
46. hct
47. ttrentt
48. Norsyna
49. MisterDMZ
50. Saculus
51. nialldoran
52. mr.L.
53. theblackmoon
54. Gregson
55. JeffTD
56. Straight Shooter
57. JasonAaronAdams
58. BLUElightCory
59. The_Shred
60. avrinder
61. paladin_shredder
Good job chaps!

One question I do have is that I don't have the full amount inside my PP so will it still work with the group buy with it taking abit more time to come out of my bank account the PP is connected to?

EDIT: Will there be a choice of payment methods on screen at checkout Steve? I might ditch the PP and use card instead actually, just to be a smooth criminal.
Good job chaps!

One question I do have is that I don't have the full amount inside my PP so will it still work with the group buy with it taking abit more time to come out of my bank account the PP is connected to?

EDIT: Will there be a choice of payment methods on screen at checkout Steve? I might ditch the PP and use card instead actually, just to be a smooth criminal.

That's all handled on PP's end - it doesn't matter to Slate what fraction of the payment comes from what source, as PayPal does all the conversion and sends him a lump sum. :)