Slate Digital VBC - Example posted on Gearslutz

I'm just going to go out and fcken buy this, not even going to demo it, just fcken buy it, forget the shoot-outs and just fcken buy it.
Hello guys, couldn't find the "official" VBC thread. Just wanted to know : is it worth it ? Should I wait for the slate channelstrip ? Is it better than Waves-CLA, or Rocket Compressor from stairwell, as these are my goto plugins ?

Thanks !
I can no longer mix without FG-Red on my master buss. FG-Grey is cool too. Don't care for FG-Mu...
Hello guys, couldn't find the "official" VBC thread. Just wanted to know : is it worth it ? Should I wait for the slate channelstrip ? Is it better than Waves-CLA, or Rocket Compressor from stairwell, as these are my goto plugins ?

Thanks !

The channel strip is going to be a VCA and 1176 sim to start out I think, neither of which are designed to be bus compressors per se. The CLA and Rocket are both 1176 also. The VBC is basically designed to add glue to your mix and work well with a stereo input, so you would use it on, for example, your master bus or drum bus, or even a guitar bus. So if you find that useful, they are indeed fantastic. I use the VBC Grey, which is an SSL compressor, all the time. The Mu and Red are pretty good, although I find both too messy for most things in metal. I'm not a compressor expert so hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's the general idea for each product.
I see, so they are not really really intended as go-to compressors to use on all and any track, but are kind of mastering compressors then ? And these should be the roles of the future channel strip ? If so, I might be interested and will be waiting the black friday deals then !
Yeah they're really for bus compression duties, though I've messed with the SSL on snare. Need to try them out on other things tbh. I will say that the quality of the VB compressors is the main reason that I'm so looking forward to VMR, they seem to react to transients more like my analogue compressors do and add some nice saturation, comparing the Slate SSL comp to the Waves one I definitely prefer Slate.