Slate Trigger & Logic Problem....


New Metal Member
Feb 12, 2010
Ok, this has me ready to beat my head into a wall. I cannot get Trigger to show up in Logic. I've still intouch with Slate support, but we haven't been able to figure out the issue.

I have an intel iMac (general specs are fine for Trigger) & run Logic Express 7.2. I downloaded the latest iLok drivers & I downloaded the licence to my iLok. I've installed & re-installed Trigger & everytime it tells me the installation was succesfull (I never had a demo version, so that's not on there messing anything up). I have all the instruments together in a file on my desktop. The Trigger component shows up in my the library->audio->component folder & the Trigger VST icon shows up in the library->audio->vst folder. I open Logic, go to an audio track, go to insert (which pulls up all the plugins), and NO TRIGGER.

I've done everything the installation instructions say so I'm at a loss. I don't know if the download or if my iLok is jacked. Never had a problem loading Slate software before. This is my first time using an iLok, but I've done everything it said to do as well.....

Anyone have any experience with this?
re scan vst via your daw.

Logic doesn't use VSTs so the plugins that OP has in the VST folder are meaningless. The only plugins that matter for Logic are in the components (AU) folder

OP: go to Logic>Preferences>Audio Units Manager

You should see "Trigger" listed and "Logic" and "Nodes" should both be checked. Check and make sure it passes validation. All the plugs have to be validated before they will work in Logic. Even if your iLok is messed up you should still have Trigger in the plugins it will just fail to load when Logic starts if the iLok is not attached/not working. You should get an error message from Pace if this is the case. If the plugin doesn't load at all when you start Logic I don't know what to tell you.

I use Logic Pro but from what I understand the core components are the same as express...
Logic doesn't use VSTs so the plugins that OP has in the VST folder are meaningless. The only plugins that matter for Logic are in the components (AU) folder

OP: go to Logic>Preferences>Audio Units Manager

You should see "Trigger" listed and "Logic" and "Nodes" should both be checked. Check and make sure it passes validation. All the plugs have to be validated before they will work in Logic. Even if your iLok is messed up you should still have Trigger in the plugins it will just fail to load when Logic starts if the iLok is not attached/not working. You should get an error message from Pace if this is the case. If the plugin doesn't load at all when you start Logic I don't know what to tell you.

I use Logic Pro but from what I understand the core components are the same as express...

You Sir saved the day :rock:

For some reason it didn't pass validation. I clicked validate & now it's golden.

Thanks for both you guys' input.