Slayer - 2009

Christ Illusion and Death Magnetic are two albums that have you second guessing your critique. Then 3 spins go by and you simply don't care anymore. Heavy Metal for teens. I'll take AJFA and Seasons, hold the Gucci.
Probably the first song I have liked by Slayer in ten years easily.
I still dont know how people listen to AJFA though. The production just makes me vomit.
except for gay sex, I actually agree with you. No matter how many spins I give it, I still come away feeling a bit unfulfilled.
been listening to them a lot lately. show no mercy is second.

seasons in the abyss has some good songs but sounds so weak for some reason
do you have the Haunting the Chapel EP? is it part of Show No Mercy now?
I know they attached it to one of their full lenghts in the later days, just not sure which one.

3 songs, all classics
do you have the Haunting the Chapel EP? is it part of Show No Mercy now?
I know they attached it to one of their full lenghts in the later days, just not sure which one.

3 songs, all classics

ive got everything up to and including seasons.
New Slayer - Hate Worldwide

This is fucking pointless. The grinding to a halt faux breakdown during the chorus is so bad. Araya spouting off irreligious banter for cash, while being a pious alter boy on the weekend is a joke. There's flashes of Slayer of yore, but (un)fortunately they've once again proven their irrelevance. I await Lurch's opinion with bated breath.
I agree Jerry ... its a decent song, but those faux halt breakdowns are annoying, they did that on a few recent songs already.

the barbecue song was better.
the title track is pretty damn good
