Slayer - 2009

Sounds like every other Slayer song ever created, except this one is slow and boring and there are a total of 4 notes played basically during the entire first two minutes. Boring as FUCK!

first 2 minutes are generic but I like what happens after that.
slayer accepts gay sex

edit: oh man sorry lurch but this is downright sewage pumpingly terrible to heights previously unexplored by mankind

it's like they want to be municipal waste suddenly. i'm sorry but when you're 56 and catholic the beer pong and bermuda shorts train has kind of sort of already passed

edit 2: haha 03:50 and now it's like bon jovi playing slipknot covers
so this disc is by far the most polarizing release I think since when SOH came out after RIB and people were left scratching their heads.
I think that's a good thing for Slayer as it pumps something fresh into their catalogue.

There are some "instant" songs here but some beg for repeated listens right away.

Their punk influence is more dominant than ever I think ... from the way Araya handles the vocals on some tracks to the somewhat loose production that always feels liek the band is going to go full steam (and in some tracks they do)

The track Americon, doesn't even feel like thrash metal and probably if I heard it on the radio I would not guess its Slayer ... but it works.

I know most of you will hate this ... but those that followed the band from the early days will find this refreshing ... its certainly head and shoulders above Christ Illusion and certainly anything after SITA.

its not a perfect record even for fanboys like me ... but then again none of theirs are except RIB of course which has no fillers ... but this one certainly surprised me.