Slayer in studio...

Sounds awesome to me, I still have Christ Illusion on heavy rotation in my car CD player!

I hope the mix isn't poor like Death Magnetic though. Although if it is, at least we can make some jokes i.e. "Limiting Blood", "Divine Clipping", "South of Compression"... :lol:
thank god for that I thought I was just setting myself up for a serious bashing..

Hey, I think Slayer gained 95% of their fanbase from Reign in Blood to Divine Intervention and especially RIB, SOH and SITA are absolute masterpieces of thrash metal. Those records made me a huge Slayer fan.

But I also think that 95% of their fanbase (me included) will admit that anything after that has basically been tired rehashing of the same old formula without any good ideas ...
Agreed! Sure it's not like their best stuff, but I'd rather listen to Slayer doing something they've done before than to listen to Metallica experiment.

One one hand I'd agree if they did "something they've done before" - and actually did it well! Sadly this really isn't the case. I mean come one. Everyone on this forum could come up with old-ass Slayer-style riffs like this. Except for Araya it sounds like this is a Slayer coverband playing one of "their original songs" ...

On the other hand: every band should experiment and try to advance their sound a bit. Metallica is a particularly bad example for experimentation because the direction they took wasn't wrong - just the songs sucked for the most part.

On another note: I am dumbfounded by the new AC/DC. Why on earth they decided to put this record out is beyond me. And why on earth anyone wants to buy it is beyond me, too. It's like a bad caricature of AC/DC coming out of retirement to make the same record again, 15 years after they made this record for the last time. Same with the new Motörhead (only they put one out ever 2-3 years) ...
That was a pretty long two and a half minutes.. Just my opinion but these guys havent changed or evolved since day one.

As a Slayer fanatic I agree with the first part of that statement (this sounds pretty much like uninspired rehashing)... not with the second.

Up until to GHUA there was always IMHO some pretty obvious developement in their sound, without the loss of their trademarks:

Show No Mercy = NWoBHM meets Venom meets Hardcore Punk ---> Hell Awaits = longer and more dynamic arrangements, menacing melodies, more atmosphere --> Reign In Blood = the blueprint of an uncompromising thrash record: straight to the point. compact. brutal. perfect in its sense but lacking atmosphere --> South Of Heaven = "Ok guys, everyone expects us to get even faster than on RIB. Fuck that! Let's go into the opposite direction. Let's have some atmosphere again and be even heavier by slooooowing things down." ---> Seasons In The Abyss = "Alright, now let us combine the best things about RIB and SOH and put out our strongest release." --> Divine Intervention = Hello nineties! Hello neo-thrash! Hello Bostaph! Subtle updates in sound and riffing... darker atmosphere than on SITA. Hugely underrated. Somewhat poor mixing, but with character! --> Diabolus In Musica = Hello Nu Metal! Guitar tunings go down, many fans go :Puke: Weakest release, but still having its moments. ---> God Hates Us All = "Ok guys, let's start yelling every word of those tarded lyrics and give that Diabolus sound a brutal edge and write some simple yet great riffs" ---> Christ Illusion = Welcome back Dave! Goodbye creativity! "Let's rehash the past and sound like a weaker copy of ourselves..." ---> :erk:

AM I THE ONLY THAT LIKES THIS? I think its killer and love the familiarity of slayer riffs, its still new enough that im listening.

Seems like all anyone wants to do is hate anymore.

At least it is SLAYER we are listening to and not another rehash of at the gates, in flames or meshuggah that so many people are listening too OR writing (AHEM). I'd take some new or "not so new" slayer anyday. Its just got energy and still, no one does the slop ass, dark, evil thrash better than them.

Im all about forging ahead with great music but c'mon, the fact is its rare we are shocked anymore and its fun to look back at the shit that did shock us. Even if it aint so shocking anymore.
On another note: I am dumbfounded by the new AC/DC. Why on earth they decided to put this record out is beyond me. And why on earth anyone wants to buy it is beyond me, too. It's like a bad caricature of AC/DC coming out of retirement to make the same record again, 15 years after they made this record for the last time. Same with the new Motörhead (only they put one out ever 2-3 years) ...
If you like bands that change their musical genres try out DIFFERENT bands first. I mean come on, do you really like to listen to AC/DC oder Motorhead playing metalcore. I know I'm exaggerating here, but some things shouldn't change imho.