Slayer - God Hates Us All


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Slayer - God Hates Us All
American - 2001

There has been debate on whether or not Slayer sold out, after hearing the new album "God hates us all", you may have a pretty good idea of the answer. We all remember Kerry King stating in the Inquir article of Guitar World magazine that he uses a 7 string guitar in a few of the tracks. Did he get that guitar from #7 of slipknot? Keep your eyes open, cause next on the merchendise line is a red baseball cap with the slayer logo.

Not to mention Slayer is losing the aggression they once had, so instead of using theyre anger from today's world, they stole the idea of writing lyrics of sacrelige, careful, Glenn Benton of Diecide might burn you. Although Slayer has done that in the past, it never really was as emphisised as much as now. Though i will have to give credit to the traditional Slayer drumming that Paul Bostaph has done a great job of keeping. We all know it's no easy task playing after drum lord Dave Lombardo left the stage. Thanks to Paul, the album still had some of the old Slayer feel to it.

The song "Bloodline", written for the movie "Dracula 2000" was nessecerily placed in the album to satisfy the hunger for good slayer to true metal fans. Had it not been on, then we'd literally starve at metal's dinner table.

So in conclusion to my bashing, I must say that it is very good for Napster that they quit, because it would be surely unbearable when both Slayer and Metallica are teamed up together.
Mark said:
Slayer - God Hates Us All
American - 2001

Oh my god, I can't believe you think that Bloodline is the best song on the cd. Its probably in the top five, but I think the first five tracks are all better than Bloodline, except maybe track one. I also love "Exile" and "Payback". I like this album better than South of heaven, which is hailed as Slayer's third best Album, behind "Seasons" and "Reign in Blood". They obviously didnt' sell out. Payback, Exile, and God Send death are all pretty fast, and so are a lot of others. I don't see your point of view. Slayer didn't sell out.
"Payback" absolutely dominates!! As does "Disciple". And "Bloodline". And "Exile". Come to think of it, it's not bad at all. And the sound is better than on their old records. And those who use the words "sell" and "out" in the same sentence (goes for any situation, about any band) should be herded naked out to a field and shot in the neck.. :loco:
Highly disagree with this review. I think this is easily one of Slayer's most angry and aggressive album, they certainly haven't lost any aggression. Songs like Disciple, Exile, and Payback simply tear you to shreds, Disciple easily being one of Slayer's all time greatest songs. Underrated album.
I think this is probably Slayer's MOST aggressive album, but I don't think it's all that good. Payback and Bloodline are about the only reason to listen to this CD.
god hates us all is a vast improvement on diabolus but definitely not one of their stand out albums, my favourites are haunting the chapel, seasons in the abyss and show no mercy
At first this album was a shocker that it wasnt full speed ahead, but after awhiles listen it stuck in my head as being a classic. The lyrics are awsome especially if you want to let out some steam and the songs they play live on this album " New faith" and "God hates us all" are totally awsome! especially when you hear them live and in concert!

GHUA is far better than Diabolus, and isn't so bad at all really. Has some stinkers and some really cool tracks.

But seriously, Bloodline is easily the worst thing on the album, absolute pish it is.
wrathofthetyrant said:
god hates us all is a vast improvement on diabolus but definitely not one of their stand out albums, my favourites are haunting the chapel, seasons in the abyss and show no mercy

I agree, God hates us all, is great. I't not my favorite Slayer, but it blows diabolus out of the water.

The last 2 times that I have seen Slayer, some fuckhead bashes the shit out of this album. Saying they sould out???????? Some one show me that because I dont fucking see that!!! Who ever compared Slipknot to Slayer!! Where the fuck was slipknot when slayer released Haunting the Chapel and show no mercy. They were shitting there diapers in corn feilds in Iowa.
W.W.S.D What would Slayer do if knew that they were being compared to bands like slipknot????

Alteredmindeath said:
At first this album was a shocker that it wasnt full speed ahead, but after awhiles listen it stuck in my head as being a classic. The lyrics are awsome especially if you want to let out some steam and the songs they play live on this album " New faith" and "God hates us all" are totally awsome! especially when you hear them live and in concert!

Nice try, but this cd isn't thrash, and the lyrics sound like Slipknot rip offs........some of the riffs are ok but I can't get past the terrible mundane screamed vocals........Slayer just doesn't have it anymore
Spirit In Black said:
Nice try, but this cd isn't thrash, and the lyrics sound like Slipknot rip offs........some of the riffs are ok but I can't get past the terrible mundane screamed vocals........Slayer just doesn't have it anymore

That just made me sick. Wow, compare Slayer the band that made American Brutality, to bands like mudvane and slipknot. Wow!!

Hell Awaits!!!
Sinner Rider said:
That just made me sick. Wow, compare Slayer the band that made American Brutality, to bands like mudvane and slipknot. Wow!!

Hell Awaits!!!
lyrically they are on the same this is because Kerry King is a big fan of Slipknot........Slayer have never been the same since Seasons, just been downhill from there
I dont know why so many people hate this album. Ok some songs are lame, but the first couple of songs + Bloodline and Here Comes The Pain are nice songs. Disciple, God Send Death and New Faith are great songs.
I have listen to Slayer since '86. I hate new metal. I have never been let down in the least bit by any Slayer album. They define metal. If you don't agree with Slayer you are not metal.
I am not crazy about this album. I hold Slayer near my heart as they were my #1 inspiration as metal guitarist as a kid. Slayer has been going for over 20 years and NO they haven't sold out, they're getting old for the love of god! They love music and want to be a part of it forever. They never have and never will attempt to be mainstream. This album is mediocre, but it still has that Slayer feel and doesn't sound like NuMetal. I will kill anyone that suggests that Slayer is even CAPABLE of selling out lol!