Slayer kicked my ass...

i saw slayer 2 just 2 weeks ago on dynamo open air here in holland

that was just to awsome...butt i didnt get much of it because i was to stoned to stand up

but when they played angel of death i was headbanging :D and also with payback and 30 seconds of full dubble bass attack fucking awsome woow then hell broke lose after that woohoow...
Thats awesome, i wish i could have been their when they played the whole reign in blood album. Must have kicked ass!!!
ct you rule and own bill

as far as slayer goes i seen em once, was enough for me
the show i saw them in was the first time they started playing their older shit again, was a pretty good show
my first show in fact :tickled:
Reign in Blood = Only interesting album for me and i still get bored with it.Not really into the whole satanic , god sucks stuff. Disciple with the GOD HATES US ALL chorus was cool and catchy so I guess that kinda just blew my arguement away. EHHH not to in to Slayer I guess period.
Reign In Blood is the most overrated thrash album ever. Angel of Death = PWNAGE. Raining Blood = SLIGHTLY LESS PWNAGE. Everything else = mediocre, repetitive, fast just for the sake of fast.

Hell Awaits beats the holy living fuck out of everything else Slayer's ever done, and in terms of sheer fucking heaviness and riffwork there was very little around in 1985 that could touch that motherfucker. South of Heaven & Seasons are awesome too, and Show No Mercy is a nifty little slab of old-school speed metal.

Let's not talk about what happened after Seasons.
Pyrus said:
Reign In Blood is the most overrated thrash album ever. Angel of Death = PWNAGE. Raining Blood = SLIGHTLY LESS PWNAGE. Everything else = mediocre, repetitive, fast just for the sake of fast.

Hell Awaits beats the holy living fuck out of everything else Slayer's ever done, and in terms of sheer fucking heaviness and riffwork there was very little around in 1985 that could touch that motherfucker. South of Heaven & Seasons are awesome too, and Show No Mercy is a nifty little slab of old-school speed metal.

Let's not talk about what happened after Seasons.

Reign in Blood is overrated ...maybe so to you Pyrus! Personnaly, I prefer Show No Mercy when it comes to Slayer but Reign in Blood is the slap in the face left everyone in the dust ...I mean come on, it's 86 and everybody tries to "out-thrash" everyone... then BOOM!'ve got angel of death opening the most brutal work in metal to that date! Come on, some bands in extreme music are still trying to be as brutal as this album! It's fucking 86 for satan's sake! It is a VERY important album and anyone who tries to deny that should hit the books...

The eighties were marked by some important albums such as Bonded By Blood or Melissa... Reign In Blood is one of the most important for thrash metal! You of all people should be able to recognize that! I'm pretty sure your favorite Exodus album isn't Bonded By Blood but if someone calls it overrated, I'm also sure you'll be the first one to split his head open with a pair of dead siamese baby twins as your weapon!
Exodus last album I think sucks ( tempo of the dmaned) but their old shit and bonded by blood is awesome , still not impressed by Slayer . Ive got to have some kind of substance and melody in my music and Slayer has never really done that for me. I think thats why i like testament. Alot of melody in their songs. Thats why i really like Cob and Inflames , lots of melody.
Actually, Bonded By Blood IS my favorite Exodus, and one of my favorite albums ever, and if I ever find any asshole calling it overrated I'll rip their nuts off with pliers and make them eat 'em.

Reign In Blood was influential as hell, no denying that. Way more brutal than anything going at the time. But that doesn't change the fact that, gosh darn it, it's just not that great. The riffwork–the cornerstone of thrash–is repetitive and played TOO fast to be coherent. Different? Yes. Important? Fucking A. Kickass music? Sorta.
mouthed the hell outta me at first we share alot of common issues. I couldnt agree with your observations more. Running Wild fucking rocks ass and so does wasp. HAIL TO PIRATE METAL!!! My H.S. team were the pirates. Im going to see Wasp on June 21 in Abq. Nm. Accpet you hate Inflames. :confused: and that saddens me.