
Megadeth were very good last night, as always. I never get sick of hearing the old songs like In My Darkest Hour, Tornado of Souls, Symphony of Destruction, Holy Wars and Hangar 18. Dave cracked it after a couple of songs and took the band off so the sound guys could fix up the feedback. They came back after a couple of minutes.

It was a shame about Tom Araya having no voice, but he did well to do vocals now and then through the set. It made for a different experience anyway.
What a clusterfuck. Megadeth were incredible, Slayer were atrocious. Not only for Tom singing less than half the songs, but the sound was fucked. One guitar was way too loud and the other too low, and Lombardo's playing was terrible. A drummer friend of mine tells me it sounded more like his drum triggers were playing up, but it just sounded sloppy and shit to my ears. Now Adelaide get a full Megadeth set and no Slayer. I am pissed off about that.
Slayer cancelled in Adelaide as Araya had a throat infection or something so it was just support plus Megadeth which was shit. Mustaine kinda payed Slayer out and still only played the 90 min, avg performance, with a new song played as instrumental as first encore which was terrible. Best songs = Hanger 18 and Holy Wars.
It's amusing. The consensus from Slayer fans has been that they were great and Megadeth were shit, or boring, or lacked energy, or talent. That's the way Slayer fans are. From what I saw, Slayer were boring and lacked energy, and Dave Lombardo is hopeless.

I didn't go in with a preference for either band, but 70 minutes of Megadeth owning the stage compared to 70 minutes of Slayer's muddy vocal mix, Lombardo's shit drumming and King and Hanneman standing virtually motionless was no competition really. 'Deth scored hands down.
01. Set The World Afire
02. Wake Up Dead
03. Hangar 18
04. Skin O' My Teeth
05. She-Wolf
06. Kick The Chair
07. In My Darkest Hour
08. Devil's Island
09. Head Crusher
10. Washington Is Next
11. Rattlehead
12. Sweating Bullets
13. Tornado Of Souls
14. Symphony Of Destruction
15. Mechanix
16. Peace Sells
17. 1,320' (instrumental version)
18. Holy Wars

That is an awesome setlist for Adelaide and I am really very jealous. If they performed it anything like they played in Melb, then they would have owned.

I have seen Slayer 4 times now and 4 different tours, and they get progressively worse each time. Gore is right, even if Tom's voice was up for it, the shit drumming and poor sound would have still meant a crappy set from Slayer.
I was actually really excited to see Slayer for the first time 'cos I'd seen Megadeth quite a few times in the past (with an older lineup, though) and it was just.... well disappointing. I think the mix really highlighted how average they all are (including Lombardo) as musicians. Now that's normally not an issue and I'm not one of those prog snobs who hate bands who aren't incredible musicians, far from it - I'd rather a band play sloppy and put on a top show, or be raw and have a great energy happening... but when a band just stands there looking bored and still sounds sloppy... it's just not good.

What everyone said was right - it was sloppy WAYYYY loud kick drums, no snare for most of the show, quiet cymbals and a couple of the middle toms were gone in the mix, no bass guitar, Kerry up WAYYY loud and no Jeff at all and a real half-assed vocal performance from Tom (although in his defence, if he was starting to get sick, that's very forgivable - I've been there and it's a sucky place to be as a vocalist. Big kudos in that case for doing as well as he did). They all really just didn't look like they wanted to be there at all, which made it all seem even worse than just the bad mix.

By sheer contrast, Megadeth was just non-stop BANG BANG BANG BANG one song after another, pausing to say thanks, and then smashing through some more. Top musicianship from everyone (Dave's voice was a bit shaky on some of the older higher vocal parts though), and the mix was good, if a bit quiet.

I can't see how anyone could see those shows differently to that... this isn't just a Megadeth fan talking, I REALLY REALLY wanted to get blown away by Slayer because I've been a fan since 1986, but it was just poor even by a second tier Aussie local band standard, and I've seen a LOT of bands over the last 20 years...!
I can't see how anyone could see those shows differently to that...

I can... They're Slayer fans. I remember watching Pantera on their last tour and how awful Phil was, refusing to play songs, acting like a spoiled child, arguing with the rest of the band, and the bogans still thought they were great. What I don't understand is how they can say they Megadeth sucked, were boring, and had no spark (a criticism one of my FB friends actually levelled at them). I just can't see how they could think that. Sure, like Slayer. Love Slayer! Even when they're playing like shit. That's great. But accusing another band who were clearly better of being hopeless... It's like they're deliberately running the other band down because they made their favourites look bad.

I didn't want to say that Slayer sucked. I like Slayer. But they did.
Slayer fans. *shudder*

Phil was a twat on the last Pantera tour, but when the songs started, he performed (in Melbourne at least). He babbled and made an arse of himself between songs, and even took Dime's guitar and butchered some solo he attempted at one point, but it still sounded good when they were playing.
Yeah, but he was never really an ultra-tight drummer. Have a really good listen to the drums on Angel Of Death - they're all over the place by today's standards (ie: polished and quantized, etc.), and live he's even more sloppy. But you know what? That slop can really give thrash an awesome edge - if it's too perfect it loses all of the danger and excitement. But the problem is that the sound was so bad it just highlighted his kick drums more than anything else with no balance with the rest of the music to feed off of and blend in with, so you just heard the slop aspect rather than the danger of it all.
Isn't Dave Lombardo considered one of the greatest metal drummers though? I didn't stay long enough to listen to him live, but I always thought he was one of the true legends. Or is he just slumming it now?
Part of the reason Lombardo is seen to be so good is because, well, he's in Slayer! It's the same reason that, early on, lots of people thought Lars Ulrich was a fantastic drummer. Now Lombardo is arguably better than Lars, but he isn't that tight. He plays with a lot of feel and swing (he's jazz-trained), but his timekeeping is pretty loose. With a good mix, you'd hardly notice, but on a night like the Sydney show it was so obvious.... By contrast, Paul Bostaph's drumming is much tighter and more solid, but he doesn't have the same feel (killer drummer though). Gene Hoglan... I'm not even a drummer, but his work floors me.
Yep, that's true. When they were allowed to actually play a song in between Phil's racist and puerile strings of obscenities, they were brilliant. But it brings a tear to my eye when I think that the jackass spoiled my last experience of seeing Dimebag. It makes me want to punch him.

I don't remember any racist shit here in Bris, but his between song mumblings and wasting time was shit, but as a group they were on form, I hasve always enjoyed Phil as a vocalist, but as a human being, that really showed me he was a pretty low sorta guy, and the drugs are/were no fucking excuse
Interesting comparing Lombardo to Lars this day in age. I have now seen all the big 4 in the last 6 months. When I saw Metallica, I noticed Lars' drumming was a tad off compared to the last few times I have seen them, but it didn't bother me too much. I just noticed him struggle on Dyers Eve (fair enough!) and a couple other fast ones. He copped quite a bit of shit for this on the internet as they have the balls to record and make available all their shows, and don't try to hide their mistakes. Comparing that to Lombardo the other night isn't even a contest. The drumming for Slayer was much looser and the double kick much sloppier (particularly, one foot hitting hard, the other barely hitting at all), and because it was so damn loud as LT pointed out, it sounded fucked.

Benante on the other hand. :OMG: