Slayer to play Ozzfest?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Allow me to speak what is most certainly blasphemy in these parts; I don't like Slayer. Never have. However, I recognize that many consider Slayer to be Metal's preeminent band. And to that end, I’m curious to learn what Slayer die-hards think about them playing Ozzfest? Clearly it’s good for record sales, but I’m interested to hear what folks think about Slayer choosing to tour with NuMetal bands.

Clearly Slayer sold their souls to Lucifer years ago, did they just sell their integrity to Sharon Osbourne?

Slayer is far from nu-metal ...

Have seen them numerous times, but after this last tour where they played RIB in its entirety ... I am not seeing them anymore .. they can never top that in my book.

Looking foreward to the new record though
The thing about OzzFest is all the marketing hype around it. It's certainly aimed at the nu-metal crowd, and those kids into bands like Hatebreed etc will happily go see Slayer, and the other 'biggie', Slipknot.

Judas Priest on the other hand will be playing to an unfamiliar crowd as far as I'm concerned. Those aren't metal fans in the audience, they're mallrats.
JayKeeley said:
Wait, you hate Dimmu. Didn't you trade all their albums for a pringle or something?
Hate is such a strong word. I love their last album, btw (the only one I still own), and everything I've heard of theirs live is very good. I'd like to see them for sure. Just not for $80.

*kicks self for missing them not once, but twice in the span on 4 weeks*
markgugs said:
Did you pay attention? Or did you stand in the back and slag them without listening? Because I know exactly what they played for a setlist in 1999, and it was about as far from nu-metal as Evergrey's last album.
I stood back and slagged them while listening.
:lol: that you think I'm "mad." To set the record straight, I don't honestly care if you like or dislike Slayer. What I really don't like, is when you're an idiot. Right now, you're being an idiot.

How old are YOU? 22? Quiet down half-pint.
Slayer also played the first Ozzfest, in '96. Slayer fucking crushes live, but if you don't like their material anyhow, obviously it's not going to do much for you. That's fine though, your loss for missing out on one of the greatest bands of our time. :)

I still don't know why people called God Hates Us All nu-metal. It was not a very good album, no. But nu? No. Tom didn't rap for goat's sake! :D
Latest rumours for OzzFest this year: In Flames and The Darkness being added to the bill....

*Dreamlord buys front row seats and a dozen red roses*