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Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Heavy metal band SLAYER are courting controversy among Christian groups by releasing sacrilegious artwork on their latest album. The cover for upcoming record CHRIST ILLUSION depicts a tattooed and amputated JESUS CHRIST standing in a sea of blood and corpses, and has infuriated right-wing religious groups. The Californian foursome are preparing themselves for a bitter backlash after the pictures were slammed as hurtful and grossly irreverent. However, guitarist KERRY KING defends the shocking imagery, saying, "We wanted Christ in a sea of despair. "The first version that came back looked like he was just chilling out in the water!" Frontman TOM ARAYA adds, "Then when they sent a new one he had his eyes half open and was surrounded by floating heads. It was much better because he looked like a drug addict!" Slayer hit the headlines last month (06JUN06) when fans desecrated a New York City seminary after being urged by a fansite to cause chaos on the so-called day of the devil. They have also angered 9/11 victims' families with extremist track JIHAD, which appears on their new album.

Nor that I appoved their attitude on this issue but I wonder if they're gonna suffer like that Nowegian newspaper that made jokes above Muhammed some months ago.

Nobody likes her/his religion to be insulted or mocked, but tolerance is something that should invigorates a religion. Yes is not much to ask for respect, but to show that I'm superior to them by NOT going for their throat makes us better than them.

I don't like Slayer, I just an advocate for free speech. I want to raise my voice and yell, therefore I should let the others to do it much as it hurts me.

And please if I offend someone with my post I apologize in advance and ask the moderators to remove this thread.

P.S. And please remember controversy sells the more you put the issue on the spotlight the more free advertising, and if not look at the "Da Vinci Code" :rolleyes:
Wyvern said:
Nor that I appoved their attitude on this issue but I wonder if they're gonna suffer like that Nowegian newspaper that made jokes above Muhammed some months ago.
Danish, actually. ;)

Anyway, the more people will bitch about the cover, the more this record will sell.
And I think the cover fits Slayer well...
The religious right (or, as I like to say, religious reich) wields more power in the U.S. than most (want to) realize. Of course, the majority of this power is simply in their numbers and the amount of economic devastation they can cause to corporations/products through the practice of boycott. The Southern Baptist Convention continues to grow in strength and numbers.

I fully expect some form of pressure to be exerted on the music sellers, but only if the "Slayer issue" builds up enough to gain more exposure. At this time, they're small potatoes.

Two great recent books on their rise to power (GWBush, anyone?) are:
"American Theocracy" by Kevin Phillips
"The Baptising of America" by a Rabbi whose name escapes me as I type this
The religious freaks who have a problem with Slayer's album cover can go f*ck themselves. I find it VERY hypocritic that these self-righteous pieces of $hit make a big stink about Slayer and any other band that does anything they don't like - but it's OK when they ostracize, judge, condemn and blacklist homosexuals?

Personally - I think Kerry King has milked the anti-Christian thing a little too much (I am very anti-religion but he almost defines himself by how anti-Christian he is).

In any respect - the holy-rollers should shut the f*ck up and go back to hating gays and telling the rest of us we're going to some imaginary place called hell.

Fangface said:
Danish, actually. ;)

:oops: :oops: :oops:

Must be the drugs from the surgery :rolleyes:

Thanks for the correction.

NP: Blitzkrieg - 'Hell To Pay'
USMC0341 said:
Personally - I think Kerry King has milked the anti-Christian thing a little too much (I am very anti-religion but he almost defines himself by how anti-Christian he is).

I have to agree. It's become a "schtick" at this point. It's very predictable.

The last album was called "God Hates Us All" after all. I mean how much more anti-religion can you get? At this point it almost appears as if Slayer is just milking the same old thing over and over. If they're truly making a heart felt statement, then fine I guess, but it's the same old statement again and again and again and again and after a while even a devoted metalhead can admit it gets a little bit predictable.
I get sick of the whole anti christian thing, sure it sells, but it gets very tired and boring when the 5735409543509 band goes on aboot it
All that yelling about new cover it's just another reason to show how christians are better than others. I don't know who told them to rule world and tell people what to do ? Slayer did it his own style and that's freedom.
So all you "saints" stop to be blinded by religion and think reasonably.
Electronicoil said:
I have to agree. It's become a "schtick" at this point. It's very predictable.

The last album was called "God Hates Us All" after all. I mean how much more anti-religion can you get? At this point it almost appears as if Slayer is just milking the same old thing over and over. If they're truly making a heart felt statement, then fine I guess, but it's the same old statement again and again and again and again and after a while even a devoted metalhead can admit it gets a little bit predictable.

It's mostly Kerry King - and I'll go on the record as agreeing with him as far as the hypocracy and absurdaty of organized religion - especially christianity. I think Kerry just likes pissing all of them off and that's cool - but again - when you constantly define yourself by being an adversary of one thing or another - you create a situation where you end up being ASSOCIATED with the very thing you oppose.

After all this time - I think indifference might be a better approach, with a few songs with lyrics stating his issues with religion.

At the end of the day - what the f*ck do I know? They do it well - and they are one of the originals - they sell a lot of albums and pack venues when they tour. Not to mention the fury that Kerry gets from the idiotic bible-thumpers - which is exactly what he wants.

I would love to see the day that a christian group can stop the release of a Slayer album, or even the cover... It's simply pathetic to see those people searching for "evil" stuff and than getting press attention for themselves. Around their corner probably live some old, poor or sick people that need help, but hey, sorry, their ties can get dirty of that !!

Good to see ya back in action Marine:headbang:
...and has infuriated right-wing religious groups. The Californian foursome are preparing themselves for a bitter backlash after the pictures were slammed as hurtful and grossly irreverent.
Well, I don't see the big deal here. What did anyone expect a Christian group to say about the cover..."Gee, we love it and think it is great". Of course they're not going to like it, but, just as Slayer has the right to their freedom of speech/expression, doesn't the Christian group have the same rights to free speech. It seems that we like to promote the idea of these freedoms when we agree with the speech, but when it is something that we really don't like, we think that these people should shut their mouths.

Support of freedom of speech only really matters when you are defending someone else's speech that you couldn't disagree with more. Moreover, when you are completely disgusted by their views and philosophies, ie: KKK & neo-nazi assholes. Damn it, I will stand up and defend any religious groups right to speak their piece, just the same as I will defend Slayer's right to put that artwork on their album cover. Anyone who doesn't is a hypocrite in my book.

I support anyone's right to speech, expression, protest and such, as long as it doesn't threaten anyone's life, liberty or property.
Evil? said:
This kind of crazy stuff always makes me laugh and at the same time it is very concerning that peple still have such a middle ages mind set about religion and the devil.

Yeah it's funny how those goups (and I experienced them first hand back in college) go for the throat of rock, pop/rock bands. I suppose it'll be much too obvious to get on a fight with Deicide or Immortal :rolleyes:

Me? Well I go for this:



NP: Astral Doors - 'Apocalypse Revealed'
Wyvern said:
Nor that I appoved their attitude on this issue but I wonder if they're gonna suffer like that Nowegian newspaper that made jokes above Muhammed some months ago.


Typical.... this has nothing to do with religion, nor Christianity.

My Dad is 60 years old and is a Christian. He has been at his church for over 30 years and he is about to look for another church. Why ? Because his church is full of bickering and power struggle, and it is a very small church.

"True" Christians would not make waves about some album cover. What they would do, would be to set up shop at a Slayer concert and pass out flyers inviting all attendees, staff and band etc. to come go to their church and learn about "The Lord." I have seen it before and was always gracious to them as they were unopposing. Hey... we are all sinners.... yada yada.

I am not taking up for religion/Christians etc. but trying to make a point. I once beleived being close to "God" (no matter what you considered that God to be) was the cause of sooo many wars etc. That is the farthest from the truth. Spirituality, has not caused ANY wars. Organized mind control in the name of religion has done that.

I am proudly not affiliated with ANY religion, but at the same time I am a spitiual person who does believe in afterlife and a supreme being who I choose to name as "God." I do not press my beliefs onto anyone else, but at the same time, I do not want to see "spiritual" people like myself to be lumped into the same category as those of highly organized religions that are looking to get exposure.

Bryant said:
I do not want to see "spiritual" people like myself to be lumped into the same category as those of highly organized religions that are looking to get exposure.


My same problem (look at my sig). I grew up in an organized religion, I went to the temple every single weekend (under pressure of grades) for over 10 years. I dumped after I left highschool and seldom went back except for certain holidays at instance of my parents.
After my father passed away I tried to get back and pray in respect for his memory but I found that most around me were taking the whole affair as a joke. I was so pissed I left forever and since that day I don't enter the "house of God", nor I need it. My relation with a higher being and power is mine to know and believe, quoting Motorhead '(don't need) Religion'.

NP: Amorphis - 'Day Of Your Beliefs'
What is the source of this article? Most likely, it's a plant from their own record label, even if they are gaining controversy for this stuff.

I highly doubt that the Christian Taliban (and believe me, most of these Christian groups won't be satisfied until we do live in a regime like the Taliban) will be able to do anything regarding this album cover. Personally, I feel that ALL of these religious organizations should be given NO press until such time as they're made to pay the taxes that all of us have to pay. Until then, keep them out of public policy.

Further, if you get offended about your own religion being mocked, you need:

1) a thicker skin;
2) to grow up!

Because, the further you put your religion on a pedastal, the more I'll mock it...because it deserves to be.
Danallica said:
I get sick of the whole anti christian thing, sure it sells, but it gets very tired and boring when the 5735409543509 band goes on aboot it

You mean like King Diamond and Mercyful Fate LoL .... :lol: sorry i couldnt let that one go ....
USMC0341 said:
The religious freaks who have a problem with Slayer's album cover can go f*ck themselves. I find it VERY hypocritic that these self-righteous pieces of $hit make a big stink about Slayer and any other band that does anything they don't like - but it's OK when they ostracize, judge, condemn and blacklist homosexuals?

Personally - I think Kerry King has milked the anti-Christian thing a little too much (I am very anti-religion but he almost defines himself by how anti-Christian he is).

In any respect - the holy-rollers should shut the f*ck up and go back to hating gays and telling the rest of us we're going to some imaginary place called hell.


^^^ what he said.... who said this quote? Karl Marx ? Religion is the Opiate of the Masses... anyways Slayers album coverart have always been controversial... i remember back in 1986 when Reign in Blood came out... same thing... alot of other groups do alot more controversial artwork but they are just picking on Slayer because they are one are the more popular groups and they want to make the papers... the right wing nazi's i mean right wing conservatives lol it seems like they are Christians before americans... if it was the other way around they would be defending Freedom of Speech and/or Expression and defend Slayer's right to such because that is what our country was built on.... Freedom to say whatever the hell we want whether it offends us or not... and i was born and raised catholic (well not really because religion bored me so i never took it up) ... but i consider myself a American before anything else.... funny thing is they defend the Iraq war because it is about giving the Iraquis "freedom" but back home here in the U.S. they want to supress such freedom's if they had the power to do so...
I personally don't like covers like this at all, I think it's inappropriate, disrespectfull and totally unnecessary. This is exactly why I have to defend metal almost every day. Covers like this makes it hard for people to understand that it's about the music (for me) and not about satanism.
I really wish they'd stop it already cause I do enjoy their music, I mean it's hard to tell I guy: "The latest album rocks, oh, and by the way it's called "God Hates Us All', but you should really listen to it you'll probably like it" ...
I think they just screw themselves by being so blatently blasphemous.
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