SLAYER vs Metallica rivalry


Aug 5, 2009
I lifted this comment up from another board and I thought I would share this guys comments with you when we were discussing how SLAYER and Metallica have been guilty of making sub-standard albums and also how fans of a particular band will flame their rivals. I thought what he posted was very insightful, what do you people think?

"i think theyre bands who are still trying to do the best they can but their best stuff and years are well and truly behind them, that said, the standard of metal has surpassed what slayer and metallica have achieved in the last 15 - 20 years anyway, theyve taken what slayer and metallica have done and run with it, so while slayer (in particular) and metallica have in a way remained in the same hole they dug for themselves, other bands are leapfrogging them with relative ease, slayers new album is by no means a bad slayer album, it's just that theyve already made this album 20 something years ago, the same goes for metallica, the seperate camps of fans for either band is no different from led zep and sabbath, blur and oasis, or the stones and beatles to name a few rivalries that have been created for the most part by the fans ... football is a seperate entity all of it's own in regard to it being a regional thing, you wont see slayer and metallica fans having a scrap outside the venue but nonetheless, the rivalry is still there albeit on a smaller scale, it doesnt make it any less entertaining."
By no means a bad Slayer album? Bullshit. As for trying to do the best they can, I think World Painted Blood and St. Anguish prove otherwise - if they actually tried to sond that bad then maybe yes, they have succeeded.

I don't agree with the statement 'The standard of metal has surpassed what Slayer and Metallica have achieved in the last 20 years' because bear in mind, most of the bands that followed were imitators of those bands anyway - yeah we had Pantera etc. but if you look past everything that Kerrang voted for then you'll still see a million Slayer and Metallica clones (and thats probably not even an exaggeration).

I agree they're past their prime though, recent outputs have proved that. It seems that the only 'old' bands that can still write good thrash these days are Devastation, Testament, Exodus, Sodom, Bulldozer and Destruction. Because of this so-called 'thrash revival' - which isn't a revival in any sense, its just a line to hook stupid magazine readers and trendhoppers - a lot of the older, more obscure bands have reunited and plan on doing a new album in the future like the aforementioned Devastation and Bulldozer (the latter released a brilliant new record in September), Exhorder, Razor, Gammacide, etc. who in my opinion have always written far better music than Metallica or Slayer.

Don't get me wrong, I think Hell Awaits, Show No Mercy, Kill 'Em All, Seasons in the Abyss and Ride the Lightning etc. are fucking good albums, but I'd much rather listen to Victims of Science, Slaughter in the Vatican, Idolatry and Violent Restitution anyday because in my admittedly ridiculously large exprience wth thrash bands, the best stuff is more often than not unheard of by most. I'm not trying to be kvlt or cool, thats just how it is at the end of the day - there was a discussion about this on UK Thrash awhile back, and one thing that was pointed out is that if you genuinely love a specific genre, you automatically discover new bands and therefore your expectations change. I heard Onslaught's "The Force" and Death's "The Sound of Perseverance" when I was eight years old so maybe that got drilled into me too early on haha, but at the end of the day this is just how stuff goes and even if you just listened to Metallica and Slayer, if you started off with Ride the Lightning for example then your expectations would be raised - then you'd hear Black Album and get all pissed off. Or was that just me?

Saying that bands don't write as good as they used to will always come over time, hell even Evile will have to start writing shitty albums at one point or another - though I think they'd at least stick to thrash all the way through, or have enough foresight to say 'Enough is enough'. Its pretty much a given fact that some (SOME) of the newer bands, most notably Evile, Warbringer, Hospital of Death, Gama Bomb and Seregon, write better music than most of the old bastards still doing the rounds these days. Slayer will never be good again, and Metallica will never be good again - they've had their chances, they've made shitty albums for so long that at this point they're just trying to squeeze out more pennies from the die-hard fans. Megadeth can only keep up the newfound energy for so long and Anthrax have been rotting in a ditch somewhere for a long time now, people need to understand that. I'll happily enjoy their classic albums at home and see the bands live, but I never hold much hope for new albums from Metallica, Slayer etc. because I know tha all they'll do is disappoint, so I'm looking to the 'new wave' and these reunited awesomeness bands - because the newer outfits have that youthful energy that Meallica and Slayer once had (though a lot of them fucking suck) and these reunions going on, especially in cases like Gammacide and Exhorder, is quite simply because they never got their full share the first time around - Exhorder were always overshadowed by Pantera and only managed to release two records, so theres still plenty of room for something good I think. Of course, you must also take into account that with all the etalcore etc.thats gone around that may have influenced them to the point where a new album would be shit (see Exumer' new song on their MySpace, its only a demo but its really bland and generic - and I loved Possessed by Fire).

Fucking hell, thats a longpost - tl;dr: Don't hold out any hopes for Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax or any of these older bands for much onger, look to the new blood and the underappreciated ones in the future.

Also, inb4 'LOLOLOL ELITIST KVLTFAG'. I'll kick you in the nuts/tits.
I didn't, it doesn't say 'Post edited' anywhere for a start hahaha. You need yer eyes checking sunshine :p

Not again!!!!!! So megadeth vs metalica wasnt enough. Now we have this? This wont end pretty and you all know it.:lol:
Thank you Dave for such an articulate post (In no way am I trying to be patronising here) you have obviously given your reply some thought and replied as you saw fit

I did disagree with some of that guy's comments in regards to saying that WPB is no means a bad album, (You all know my feelings on that one) I noticed that he didn't quite say it's a good one either.

There in no doubt that the big SLAYER & METALLICA were a huge influence on the metal scene, but I do agree to a point that metal has surpassed what they were doing, in no way is that disrepectful, infact it's a good thing, I remember when thrash metal hit the scene and it was hair metal and bland bands like Whitesnake that were dominating the metal scene and it just exploded, all the angst of the frustation of the teenage years had, at last, an outlet for their anger and frustrations where we all could unshakle the chains (slightly elaborate I know) and be free to express ourselves musically. I remember when it all started to take off big time when bands like Morbid Angel and Decide were taking the thrash metal scene to the extremes because of the big 4 creating more or less the new sounds (again in no way am I ignoring the likes of Testament, Flotams and Jetsom, Kreator) and these new bands came in and started to push the boundries, one of these new acts at the time were going to be the new kings of the thrash scene and it was Sepultura, what they did with Arise and Beneath the remains showed the diversity of thrash metal both lyrically and musically.

The way I see it, bands responsible for creating new sounds can only change a metal scene once, they haven't got it within themselves to change again, my point in this case would be the grunge scene, this occured around the time when Metallica released their Black album, it was at this point Metallica kinda realised that the trash scene was dying a bit and it needed fresh imputus which none of these bands could resolve, it was also at this point SLAYER started to write and record poor albums, trying to keep a stale scene alive, I always held hope that they could somehow make a great album again, one thing however is undisputeable is that these bands are brilliant live, not only do the likes of SLAYER and other classic thrash metal bands like Megadeath set examples of how to play live, they are showing younger bands like Evile how it should be done, as Matt once said "I was blown at how Megadeath could perform to that intensity on a nightly basis and they have shown me how to cope with it, like eating a banana before going onstage". I will always be grateful to those bands in the 80's but sadly my excitement is now restricted to seeing them live, it was as I said before Evile that reignited my passion again for trash metal and I would be doing the lads a diservice if I was saying that they are making a thrash revival, they are not as you said, they are playing thrash because they love it and it just the perfect music for the scene today, in some ways the emo scene needs to be blown away and thrash is doing it, so I agree with you there with the younger bands are writing better music and improving on the trash metal scene which is a fuckin great thing
Why? :lol:
As Pablokers said, nothing good will come of this thread. Troll thread is obvious.