As Pablokers said, nothing good will come of this thread. Troll thread is obvious.
To be fair I did state this following quote at the begining
I lifted this comment up from another board and I thought I would share this guys comments with you when we were discussing how SLAYER and Metallica have been guilty of making sub-standard albums and also how fans of a particular band will flame their rivals. I thought what he posted was very insightful, what do you people think?
I asked what you thought, I don't think I was trolling as you guys call it as I haven't had a conversation like this in this forum, OK I did flame Megadeath but that was before I knew how passionate you guys were about them so I kinda ceased to slag them off.
Give me some credit, I could have easily changed the word Metallica to Megadeath
*slaps forehead*
Why didn't I think of that at the time??? (Now that sentence was clearly a troll post)