
Keep on blorpin'
Feb 16, 2010
Minnesota, USA
So lately my sleep schedule (ha) has been getting weirder and weirder... I've been staying up late working on music all the time. At least, that's what I tell myself. Usually I end up wasting time on the internet, or watching Babylon 5 instead. Anyway, the other day I finally said "fuck it" and skipped that whole sleep thing. Eventually ended up sleeping from 6pm to 1am, and then that's when my day started today I guess. :err: It got really confusing, I didn't know if I had eaten breakfast already and stuff. :lol:

Do you guys do the same thing? Any way to successfully fix it, or am I just supposed to be like this? I've found myself skipping sleep in order to make morning appointments, go to school etc. and then passing out the whole day. I don't drink coffee or energy drinks or any of that crap. Every time I think I've got my sleep schedule worked out, I end up waking up in the afternoon anyway. It's making me feel like a piece of shit!
What time do you need to wake in the morning?

I stay up late (usually till about 1-2am) and then wake around 8 or so. I catch up on sleep on Sunday morning for the whole week (sleep till about 11am). Then do it again the next week. Although, I've been laid off for about a month now, so I haven't really much cared for schedules lately :lol:
fix it by getting a routine, now that uni's finished im often going to bed at like 3- 4 am :lol: and wake up at like 11-12ish most days. but when I had classes and stuff id goto bed at about 12 and wake up fine and dandy at 9-10
I've got class at 9-10am, and then work at 3pm some days. If I had a more normal work schedule, or more challenging classes, I might actually be motivated to sleep right...

I stay up late (usually till about 1-2am) and then wake around 8 or so. I catch up on sleep on Sunday morning for the whole week (sleep till about 11am). Then do it again the next week.

Not sure how you manage to do that without building up a sleep debt. 11am isn't that late!

I stay up till about 2-3 a.m. every night and wake up at about 7 a.m. go to work get home by 7 p.m. and work in the studio with charlie. and i sleep in till about 10-11 a.m. on sunday my only day off from my full time job.

This too, but moreso.
hmm, if you use the time right (working on music) it's ok IMHO, but often people just hang around on forums and press F5 every minute...same shit here.
in the last 4 moths i usually stayed awake until 8, 9 in the morning, sometimes i didn't sleep for more than 35 hours at a stretch.
i hope i get a new job soon, this shit is killing me :/

I have my alarm set for 8:30 AM matter what time i go to sleep, thats the time i wake that and its fairly easy to get on a decent schedule
Here I am trying to find a way to sleep all day and stay up all night.:loco: Fucken business makes it impossible. Can't wait to sell it all off.

i am the king of messed sleep cycles
for the past 2 months or so ive been in a repeating week long cycle where i go from waking up at 9am to waking up at midday to waking up at 5-6, then midnight, then sometime in the early hours
then the next week i end up back at 9am.

Get on a sleep schedule, force yourself to stay up for an absurd amount of time, then when 10-11 PM rolls around, pass the fuck out until about 8-10 AM.

Stay up all day for that day, repeat, sleep schedule fixed.

sleep is for the weak
I normally get to sleep at around 2.30-4 AM and wake up at about 8 AM, sometimes i get up a bit earlier. But I constantly feel tired now, my sleeping got fucked up a few months ago, i just can't sleep early.
I normally get to sleep at around 2.30-4 AM and wake up at about 8 AM, sometimes i get up a bit earlier. But I constantly feel tired now, my sleeping got fucked up a few months ago, i just can't sleep early.

Try running or doing some exercising during the day. I remember long ago someone telling me exercising releases a chemical in your body that helps you get some pretty restful sleep/get to sleep at night.

I actually can't sleep for more than 5 hours (FUCKING EVER) unless I'm active during the day. If I'm just sitting here, pluggin' away at the computer, it's a different story :lol:
Try running or doing some exercising during the day. I remember long ago someone telling me exercising releases a chemical in your body that helps you get some pretty restful sleep/get to sleep at night.

I actually can't sleep for more than 5 hours (FUCKING EVER) unless I'm active during the day. If I'm just sitting here, pluggin' away at the computer, it's a different story :lol:

I basically live in front of my computer :lol: I might have to try exercising, i've been feeling terrible for weeks now because of not getting enough sleep :D
I have to be on a regular nighttime sleep schedule, and need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep to really feel well-rested (9 preferably) - big ups for B5 though, such an underappreciated sci-fi gem :headbang:
i am the king of messed sleep cycles
for the past 2 months or so ive been in a repeating week long cycle where i go from waking up at 9am to waking up at midday to waking up at 5-6, then midnight, then sometime in the early hours
then the next week i end up back at 9am.

I've been doing something like this as well since my uni classes are out for summer. :headbang:
I apparently have delayed sleep pattern syndrome, shit fucking sucks. I never feel tired before 2am and thus cannot fall asleep earlier, so I generally go to sleep at about 3am on weekdays, and I usually have to get up at about 7.30am on weekdays - which means I often get less than 5 hours of sleep a night. I can really feel how it negatively affects my mood, learning and ability to focus, but what can you do, I can't really choose to go to school (or work, though I don't currently have the time for a full time job) whenever I want to. I've done a lot of evening shifts and some night shifts in my past though, those are so much more comfortable for me. I've got a prescription for sleeping pills, but that shit is potentially dangerously addictive and you're not supposed to take it daily, so I usually just take them on sunday or if I really mess up my sleeping pattern during the week. I also have a big problem with oversleeping; when I wake up I might turn the alarm off without "really waking up", and then I wake up later wondering why it's so bright and then I go FFFFFFUUUU-, like today. In a way this audio engineering thing seems like a good choice for me, because if I end up doing FOH stuff for example, the work shifts are going to be quite late compared to a normal 9 to 5 job, and that's more than fine by me!

Lately I've been successful with falling asleep a little bit earlier by using some techniques that are usually used in meditation. Sadly they don't always work either.
I have my alarm set for 8:30 AM matter what time i go to sleep, thats the time i wake that and its fairly easy to get on a decent schedule

8:30 here too...I set the alarm, but no matter what I always just wake the fuck up @ 8:20-something. I swear I have actually heard my alarm maybe once since the beginning of this year. I guess the older you get, the more programmed to your routine you get.
8:30 here too...I set the alarm, but no matter what I always just wake the fuck up @ 8:20-something. I swear I have actually heard my alarm maybe once since the beginning of this year. I guess the older you get, the more programmed to your routine you get.

I normally wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off :D