Slipknot 666

you don't even know the shit Im into..yeah I like fear factory but Im also in to a lot of death metal so I hope you all die.....Your the ignorant ones.....losers
ForeverNothing said:
you don't even know the shit Im into..yeah I like fear factory but Im also in to a lot of death metal so I hope you all die.....Your the ignorant ones.....losers

I believe ignorance is defined as thinking Slipknot and Chimaira are good :)
Hah... she sent me a PM

you are the ignorant one here. you don't even know are going to die a painful lonely death. Your a nobody and you will always be that way. Don't judge asshole, cause you don't have any idea what your talking about. and don't you have anything better to do then stay up until 2 in the morning making fun of girls? No wonder your alone.
Hi slipknot bashing :) its kinda getting old, everyone knows they suck. just get over it. I bet it was a pretty decent concert, with Fear Factory and all.
Im sorry, this thread annoys me. I wish you people could except metal in every form. The fact that its aimed at mainstream audiences puts me off too but its still metal... however NU it may be.

Slipknot are a fucking riot live. So are chimaira. I havn't seen fear factory but I know the new song fucking rules and describes most of the Cunts on this board. I guess that show would have kicked quite alot of ass, but I wouldnt wanna go home afterwards and listen to those bands CD's. Its like mindless metal entertainment to me and can only be consumed in small doses.

All the faggots on here that get insulting every time someone mentions how much they like an american band should realise they're not doing anyone any favours. Especially themselves. All you're prooving is that you are intolerable, hostile and biggoted. Even if you despise the above mentioned bands can't you just ignore the post or express yourself in a less abusive manner?
King Chaos said:
Im sorry, this thread annoys me. I wish you people could except metal in every form. The fact that its aimed at mainstream audiences puts me off too but its still metal... however NU it may be.

Slipknot are a fucking riot live. So are chimaira. I havn't seen fear factory but I know the new song fucking rules and describes most of the Cunts on this board. I guess that show would have kicked quite alot of ass, but I wouldnt wanna go home afterwards and listen to those bands CD's. Its like mindless metal entertainment to me and can only be consumed in small doses.

All the faggots on here that get insulting every time someone mentions how much they like an american band should realise they're not doing anyone any favours. Especially themselves. All you're prooving is that you are intolerable, hostile and biggoted. Even if you despise the above mentioned bands can't you just ignore the post or express yourself in a less abusive manner?

Dude....I too try to say this but I get kicked in the head on the board alot for saying it so I get pissed off and don't say it anymore....But yeah good point. Ironically, without Slipknot, I wouldn't be here listening to extreme metal...I don't listen to Slipknot anymore although I consider some of their older songs pretty good, but I certainly don't bag the crap out of them... We can't change how the board works and everyone's bound to have their own opinion on the band.

P.S Is it me or has Chimaira also tried out a metalcore type sound in their new album just as Slipknot has? Must be the new wave of metalcore....I can't stand metalcore heh...
The new Chimaira album is very metalcore-ish I agree. I prefer it to "pass out of existence" but they still both bore me. I can, as I've already said, take them in small doses but nothing more.

I havn't heard the new slipknot album yet but I hear its ballad filled. The only good thing about slipknot origionally was how mindlessly moshable it was.... So the new album will probably dissapoint me. If I want ballads Ill listen to dire straights and if I want humorously good fun Nu metalish grind Ill listen to slipknot. to mix the two in an attempt to mature a sound = ass festering product. But I wont judge it untill I've had a good listen.