Slipknot 666

I don't find this thread hilarious because of the bands discussed, I couldn't care less about someone liking a band I don't. It's the language used in the first post and the size and color of the font that screams *flamebait*.
King Chaos said:
Im sorry, this thread annoys me. I wish you people could except metal in every form. The fact that its aimed at mainstream audiences puts me off too but its still metal... however NU it may be.

Slipknot are a fucking riot live. So are chimaira. I havn't seen fear factory but I know the new song fucking rules and describes most of the Cunts on this board. I guess that show would have kicked quite alot of ass, but I wouldnt wanna go home afterwards and listen to those bands CD's. Its like mindless metal entertainment to me and can only be consumed in small doses.

All the faggots on here that get insulting every time someone mentions how much they like an american band should realise they're not doing anyone any favours. Especially themselves. All you're prooving is that you are intolerable, hostile and biggoted. Even if you despise the above mentioned bands can't you just ignore the post or express yourself in a less abusive manner?

Good fucking point...and I don't give a fuck if I get kicked in the head for saying so...
Yea it is a good point, and i guess i am not the only one who thinks the slipknot in metal forums bashing is a little excesive. Whenever the band is mentioned a 10 page topic spawns saying how much they suck that they hate nu-metal and all that bullshit. Who really cares, its music in another form, it is a different genre and some people like it. You can also spend all day bashing pop, but itll get you nowhere because everyone on this board probably hates pop also.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
This gets really old, really fast. They need to just put a sign on this site that says "If your band has been mentioned on MTV at least 3 times do not traverse here."

why? MTV has nothing to do with how good or bad a band is. I hate this it has to be underground to be good bullshit.
It always amazes me how many peoples absolutly need to bash bands other people like.

I don't care about slipknot at all but I find it amusing that everytime you see the name of any popular band mentionned you see 3 pages of stupid comments following. Some posters here must really feel the need to prove something on the internet I guess.
Ben_t said:
It always amazes me how many peoples absolutly need to bash bands other people like.

I don't care about slipknot at all but I find it amusing that everytime you see the name of any popular band mentionned you see 3 pages of stupid comments following. Some posters here must really feel the need to prove something on the internet I guess.

Like how cool and tolerant and EVAH so open-minded and fucking Noughties happy family universal brotherhood of metal fans they are, you mean? Jesus, you think three pages of people complaining about Slipknot bashers is any more interesting than the basic Slipknot Sux routine?
lord667 said:
Jesus, you think three pages of people complaining about Slipknot bashers is any more interesting than the basic Slipknot Sux routine?
No...But then again I would say that not more then 1% of the total posts in this forum are worth to be read. Some makes me discover new bands while I skip almost evertyhing else.
Ben_t said:
No...But then again I would say that not more then 1% of the total posts in this forum are worth to be read. Some makes me discover new bands while I skip almost evertyhing else.

That's about my ratio too, funnily enough. How'd you happen to read this thread?
You know when you have to do some work for school and you search everything possible to avoid doing what you have to do...that's how. :loco:
lord667 said:
:tickled: Sorry, that just struck me.
:lol: Quite the HYPOCRITE I may seem.

I guess in my Defense I was angry at the people putting down poor whatever her name was for no reason. Like My hostility had been fed where everyone elses just spawns instantly upon the mention of a band which has its CD's on special displays at HMV.