Slipknot - IOWA

Oct 3, 2001
Alberta, Canada
Slipknot's sophomore disc, IOWA, is truly a leap forward when compared to their first album. I was completely blown away, when People = Shit came blaring through my speakers. Many critics try to pass Slipknot off as nu-metal, but I find this to be unjustified. Slipknot have obviously forged forward in their sound, and it has become much more aggressive than before. I knew IOWA was going to be a big hit when I first heard The Heretic Anthem, and it has prooved to be nothing less than excellent. If you haven't been convinced take a listen to the first single from the record, "Left Behind". As this, is pretty much the only radio-friendly track on the disc, I highly recommend you listen to it, and judge for yourself. Get past the jumpsuits and masks, and listen to the music, as that is what really matters. IOWA is a masterpiece, and I don't who thinks otherwise. I personally love this record, and I say everyone out there should have it.
Man their new album has to be one of the heaviest albums I've heard in a long time. I can't say anything bad about it either cause the whole thing just blew me away. I definately can't wait to see them live on the 30th. That shows gonna rock.
Originally posted by sidewinder
Man their new album has to be one of the heaviest albums I've heard in a long time. I can't say anything bad about it either cause the whole thing just blew me away. I definately can't wait to see them live on the 30th. That shows gonna rock.

:lol: , i cant remember the days when i would have considered that heavy. :lol: , i consider that really unheavy. oh well, stick to chili peppers, they much better.
Originally posted by Warlord_of_Hell
. Get past the jumpsuits and masks, and listen to the music, as that is what really matters. IOWA is a masterpiece, and I don't who thinks otherwise. I personally love this record, and I say everyone out there should have it.

i got passed the boiler suits and maks and listened to the music (i always listen to music before i criticise) and i can see why it is pop, catchy songs with repetition, all the ingrediants needed to atract 12 year olds who havent experienced anything better.

and i thik myster6 said it all, child like. im a big fan of good lyrics and its apparent that there aren't any in many nu-metal bands, i can only think of Deftones as having ok lyrics (not great, but better)

i'd like to see Slipknot with good lyrics and maybe less members (only because they cant all be doing something, i mean what do they all do?), i think the drummer is whats keeping them together and although hes not the greatest, or even great he is good. he should quit the band i think. he deserves better.
Originally posted by myster6
The lyrics are to silly and child-like. What the hell is:If you're 555, I'm 666. Let's try to make some sense of it. If you're gaygaygay, I'm KKK.

Yeah, I agree. I have to admit though, I don't mind listening to a bit of Slipknot every once and while. It's just mindless, catchy nu-metal that's fast and fairly easy to listen too. It relative terms though, it's not very 'heavy' at all.

But those lyrics, man, some of them are really shit. The band rarely ventures past the pure genius of "you're shit" "everything sucks" "everyone is fucked" "fuck everybody" territory. This pissed off at the world routine is a little boring after a while. Surely there's more to life than that.
It's teen angst music, nothing more. The vocalist is one of the worst I've heard, the lyrics are shit, the guitars are terrible, and why the fuck is there 2 percussionists who hardly even do anything?

People = shit ... maybe they are just talking about themselves? :p
Yea! Slipknot's fucking heavy! :rolleyes: Two chords of pure metal!:lol: The simple lyrics spiced with swearing are also great! Using the word fuck over and over takes alot of talent! Slipknot is also great because they sound like shit live, and cover up for it by putting on a circus.:rolleyes:

And can any Slipknot fans explain to me why you actually believe that Slipknot is the heaviest band ever? Haven't you heard any metal?
Originally posted by Pieguy
Yea! Slipknot's fucking heavy! :rolleyes: Two chords of pure metal!:lol: The simple lyrics spiced with swearing are also great! Using the word fuck over and over takes alot of talent! Slipknot is also great because they sound like shit live, and cover up for it by putting on a circus.:rolleyes:

And can any Slipknot fans explain to me why you actually believe that Slipknot is the heaviest band ever? Haven't you heard any metal?

:tickled: :lol: :tickled: I TOTALLY AND IM 14 YEARS OLD!!!
It is a shame someone who posts in a site called ultimate metal gives any respect to some big kid that can barely play a guitar writing as good as any dumb stupid american can gets a chance to speak his mind here.
And about me, I'm 15 and I don't think Slipknot is the heaviest band on this earth, but I happen to like the music. I saw them live once and I will see them live agin in two months.
Owkee, so you guys are really heavy, and in some kind of way, think you have to be against Slipknot to be called metalhead.

Have a nice day all of you 'true' metalheads, and btw listen to some black metal, maybe some trendies at school will consider you even more satanic and cool!
I had an encounter with Slipknot that I found to be a bit odd...make of it what you will.
I was going to Columbus Ohio to see Inflames who were opening (I couldn't fucking believe that one) for Slipknot. My intent was to see In Flames and then take off. So I went to get the tickets a few days before and as it turns out, Slipknot canceled that show because one of their Wives had some sort of disease.....
Now maybe it's just me but aren't these the same people who are always talking about hate, and death, and destruction....and they have wives?! Whom they obviously care about?!
Maybe it's just me, but isn't that a little contradictory to their "messages" in their "songs" ?
Yeah well i think IOWA is their shattest album yet. I liked the first one, but when i picked up Iowa, the songs basically sounded all the same. Not one of my preferred additions to the collection.

Speaking of Slippy, anyone got their first FIRST release, Mate, Kill, Feed, Repeat i think its called??