Slipknot - IOWA

I saw Slipknot at Ozzfest last year and I can vouch for the guy that said that they suck live. It was all just a jumbled mess of sound and I couldn't even hear the vocal's and I was in the pit. I litterally couldn't hear a damn word he was saying over all the noise. This band displays absolutely no talent IMHO.
Yeah, I saw them in Glasgow a couple months ago......they had an interesting performance, but the music was awful. You could hear what song it was, but the sound was atrocious. Apart from One Minute Silence, they were the worst there. American Head Charge were good headbanging stuff, and In Flames' short show stole it all by a mile.
The new Slipknot album blows!!!!!
Oh sorry, let me edit that, ....ALL SHITKNOT ALBUMS FUCKIN BLOWS!!:lol: :lol: :mad: :mad: :mad:

fuckin´ crap ...I can´t understand that bands that sound this bad can even get a record contract!

Slipknot is dogshit to me! They shouldn´t be called metal, they should be called SHIT!:mad: :mad: :mad:

Íf your 555/I´m 666??? what tha fuck!!

More like:
If your gay, gay, gay/ come our way,way,way!!!!

It´s so hard to explain my hatred against Slipknot...there´s no words.....

MAY YOU ALL BURN YOU FUCKIN ANAL LICKING GANG OF SHIT!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Yeah, the first album caught me off guard... I didn't really realize what it truly was... Never saw one of their videos, or anything, and I kind of liked it. Just bought it... there it was.

The second album, Iowa, I hate, and because of it, I don't really listen to much of the first one anymore.

They're "teen angst" music for sure...

For the guy that said they weren't heavy but was listening to Limp Crackwhore douchewhaever... you're joking right?

Slipknot are a bunch of gay faggots.

Hehehe...:LOL: that sounds like something Slipknot would say, rightwing redneck tossers that they are...

All-American fucks, with little or no musical talent (or the creative vision to make up for it). Why are they still not dead? It would be nice if Mikael Akerfeldt beat them to death with Chuck Schuldiner's femur...the two people who deserve vengeance more than any others for the rape of their genre by these mindless dunces. :mad:
If Slipknot would just quit focusing on that shitty ass fake brutality, drop some members, focus more on good structure and some melody while allowing Mick and Joey to play to their full potential..there just might be some shit worth listening to by these guys..but of course, if they were to go in that direction that means no more blue haired, raver pants wearing, oversized tee shirts sporting mallcore kids to come to shows..oh and I heard Immolation might be going on tour with them?!! Can anyone confirm or deny this rumor?
I've heard four (I think) songs off the new album, and they were all boring. I liked the first album, and I used to like their theatrics; but this time around, having a dildo-nosed bongo player in the band isn't as funny, and musically, they're dumber and more tedious.

Two large plastic FUCKING SICK DUDE thumbs down, methinks.
there is no one that like slipknot, it cant be. kids listening to slipknot are like 10-14 ywars old, and they are listening to just because they think they are cool.

i really cant find anything engaging in their music, because there are not any, all 2slipknot fans" can suck my hairy balls(twice)

just wannabe cool tens!!! :yell:
Slipknot is certainly not heavy, they are probaly one of the heaviest Nu-Metal bands, but certainly not brutal.

Does it really take 7 people to make such shit? Ew. Lyrics are simple. Riffs, if their are any, are recycled over and over and are 3 cords at the most. They have 3 drummers, and the average Metal drummer can sound like all 3 of them easy.

I could say more, but this entire topic and all of its replies proves its point.
Originally posted by Nick Inch Nails
Have you ever read a slipknot interview.

"You only have to listen to the lyrics on Iowa to know that I'm the best songwriter ever." -Corey Taylor

My God... What a scary thought... Imagine how bad the worst songwriter writer is then...!