Slipknot - IOWA


Don't forget Slayer and Ozzy, they love the Iowans too. All these heavyweights loving their music has mostly to do with how they feel progress is being made in their music. It's no secret many of them feel metal is suffering from inbreeding.
Originally posted by EvilDeadGod
Can I ask why so many Gods of the metal scene enjoy slipknot, lets see here: Jesper Strombland likes Slipknot, Peter Tagrten likes Slipknot, Emperor's drummerBard Faust likes Slipknot, what the hell does that tell you guys??

that Jesper Strombland, Peter Tagtgren and Faust likes slipknot?

fucking moron, i don't like a band more because some famous peple does....
Originally posted by PiercedFromWithin1
Slipknot is one of the gayest bands on earth and cant play for shit, and are about as heavy as Linkin Park and musically inclined and complex as a retard with downsyndrome.

I don't like Slipknot at all, but even I'll admit they're pretty heavy. There are real metal bands that are heavier than Slipknot, but there are many, many metal bands that aren't as heavy as Slipknot.

I think their music is repetitive, hard-core influenced, and boring. But I won't deny they're pretty heavy.
Many metal personalities are homphobic, Kerry King, Dave Mustaine, Shane Embury I could name more but it's early in the morning and I haven't had morning dose of Judas Priest yet...
lol AHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i cant be fucked to to read all these posts because im a lazy fucker....but i think that people who dont talk about true metal should fuck off and stop wasting valuable message board space!