SLipKnoT Rulz!!!

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Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Very sorry my geographical location is inconvenient to you! :p

Don't just say that, do something about it :rolleyes:

We'll basically play whatever people request - and towards the end of the night, we may go somewhat surreal - spacebunni ended the night with The Carpenters last time!

So what would happen if I put an email request in for Britney Spears? :loco:

And there is no way in hell Tool are even near nu-metal
i'm not calling tool nu-metal at all. i'm just pointing out that alot of people call it nu-metal, when it is definitely much deeper and technical then your average staind or linkin park rip off. all i'm saying is that's the only band that my friend listens to that i enjoy on a high level also and even own a cd of. as for nu-metal being repetitve because that's what the audience wants, i rememeber showing some of my friends who are into korn and staind dream theater and opeth. they said that dream theater was to fast and that opeth's songs were to long. they wanted dumbed down simplistic music and stuck their nose up at anything with a technical edge to it, which is why their embrace of tool confuses me. i remember saying that tool was border-line progressive and they got pissed, but it is. try and tell me tool doesn't contain alot of musical trends that make bands like opeth and dream theater considered progressive metal. they have strange time signatures, reflective lyrics, and songs that build from melodic passages into full blown technical metal riffs and the songs push past the 10 minute mark more than just a few times. tool could easily be considered prog-metal, especially their new cd. i actually consider tool a progressive metal band that has gotten MTV play...hey, dream theater at one time was a regular on MTV, so its not that far fetched that.
To me, Slipknot are one of the greatest bands ever. I heard from this guy in Onio and he said that Slipknot is a rip-off of Mushroomhead. He continued on and told me that Mushroomhead are far better than Slipknot. I d/l a few of Mushroomhead's songs from the XX Album and I can honestly say that they are eons away from even scratching Slipknot's music. Anyways, why is it wrong for someone like me to like Slipknot alot and still be a huge fan of N-wish, Lacuna Coil, Opeth, In Flames, Brujeria, Morbid Angel, Children of Bodom,Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, My Dying Bride, Arch Enemy, Helloween and DISSECTION!!!, just to name a few.... Come on, its not like I worship Linkin Park, Korn and Limp Bizkit (Non of which I listen to, I dont even like SOAD). The way I see it, nu metal is either for ppl who like a more pop-metal or just some young punks that are in the "dark gothic" phase of their lives in which they must rebel and pretend to be angry at the world.. Why dont they just call that puberty? HAIL DISSECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Syn_Sith_999
To me, Slipknot are one of the greatest bands ever. I heard from this guy in Onio and he said that Slipknot is a rip-off of Mushroomhead. He continued on and told me that Mushroomhead are far better than Slipknot. I d/l a few of Mushroomhead's songs from the XX Album and I can honestly say that they are eons away from even scratching Slipknot's music. Anyways, why is it wrong for someone like me to like Slipknot alot and still be a huge fan of N-wish, Lacuna Coil, Opeth, In Flames, Brujeria, Morbid Angel, Children of Bodom,Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, My Dying Bride, Arch Enemy, Helloween and DISSECTION!!!, just to name a few.... Come on, its not like I worship Linkin Park, Korn and Limp Bizkit (Non of which I listen to, I dont even like SOAD). The way I see it, nu metal is either for ppl who like a more pop-metal or just some young punks that are in the "dark gothic" phase of their lives in which they must rebel and pretend to be angry at the world.. Why dont they just call that puberty? HAIL DISSECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!

i suppose its because people rate bands like Opeth high up in their favourites list, and ind it hard to believe that you can like a band like slipknot if you like Opeth. for most people on the opeth board, opeth are more like a way of life rather than just music, theyre completely obsessed with the band, i mean look at the thread where someone posted a video for a live song, everyone went mad, i mean its only a song, right?

i understand that you may like bands like slipknot, just others dont i suppose, they find it too hard to believe. in a recent thread people wanted opeth played at their funeral :D anyway
yeah dude.,.one of my friends let me listen to mushroom head awhile ago,..,.,.,.,actually he's on this forum.,.,but anyways.,.,mushroom head isnt supposed to sound like slipknot.,.,.they are the band that slipknot ripped alot of their masks off from.,.,at least their old masks,..,the bassist in mushroom head (pig benis) had a pig mask that resembled the one from slipknot.,.and mushroom head was out WAY b4 slipcock.,.,i mean slipknot (hehe just messin w/ya).,.,.,now where's my "Aaron Carter" cd?.,.,.,.now thats some quality music.,.,unlike bands like Carcass.,.,Opeth.,.,and Dissection.,.,.hehe.,.oh man.,.good times.,.:loco:
Anyways, why is it wrong for someone like me to like Slipknot alot and still be a huge fan of N-wish, Lacuna Coil, Opeth, In Flames, Brujeria, Morbid Angel, Children of Bodom,Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, My Dying Bride, Arch Enemy, Helloween and DISSECTION!!!, just to name a few....

I find you very strange. how could you name a bunch of good bands in there with Brujeria????? brujeria fuckin blows ass. 3 bassists? cmon gimme a break. do they understand the concept of music to know that bass is there for rythm. what do they have 3 rythms?? brujeria features dino from ff who has to be one of the most TERRIBLE guitar players ever. lets see if he could get pass making his songs more then 3 fuckin notes. I just dont see how you can like that shit when you have stuff like in flames and opeth and arch enemy to listen too. bands that actually take more then 5 minutes to write their songs.
Have you ever heard "Vayan sin Miedo" by Brujeria?That one song has some headbanging riffs. I am not saying that they fuckin rule, but I have to admit that I kinda like some of their songs. And I think that In Flames so fuckin rules. I can't wait for them to come here with Slipknot... Two of my favs at once, how awesome will that be? EXTREME MADNESS!! I want to hear the live versions of "Suburban Me", "Moonshield" and "Episode 666". Also, Opeth are the absolute gods of metal. Why havent they taken the crown off Ozzy's repetitive head? I mean, come on, Ozzy is obviously hasnt made a great album since my days as a Celtic Frost fan...
I think that my friends and I can create better music than Brujeria. I was thinking that a crazy Italian guy like me and a few Spanish friends from across town will be able to come up with some black metal material to live up to the Brujeria name, which means witchcraft or witchery in spanish I believe.... Have some thing like Dimmu Borgir/COF/My Dying Bride type music with In Flames vox... And then, we can tour with OPETH and IN FLAMES and call the tour GODS OF METAL with OPETH headlining of course... Then, we can tour with Slipknot and call it ...... damn, I am getting way ahead of myself... btw, am I the only one that doesnt like SOAD? Their vox are just too weird for me... HAIL DISSECTION!!!
I'm not a fan - but I just saw Slipknot with System of A Down last night. Actually, it was a pretty fun show - between the stage act, and the craziness of the fans. Man - the floor was the tightest I've seen in a while - it ebbed and flowed like the sea.
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Yeah I've seen the knotlive before - scary! I've never moshed so violently. I went near the back thinking it would be less viiolent but all thepeople at the front were being crushed so we got all of the violent stuff. I learnt to enjoy it :)

you talking about the ozzfest? i was told it was a crap pit for slipknot as the majority were young and therefore weak. anyway i wasnt there so what do i know? Deftones at the Docklands was a massive mosh, after the first support band there were loads of people lying on the floor nackered, and by the time deftones came on i saw hundreds lying out too knackered to go on. in one song i must have moved 20 yards without trying to move :grin:
You really made it. You got all these metal ppl talking so much about a no metal group. VEERRRYYY clever. loool
Well I have to admit that so many posts in a thread not even in my wildest dream for classic metal. hahhaaha.
We all fell into your trap (me amongst everyone else, since i am posting here).:rolleyes:
Originally posted by metalized
You really made it. You got all these metal ppl talking so much about a no metal group. VEERRRYYY clever. loool
Well I have to admit that so many posts in a thread not even in my wildest dream for classic metal. hahhaaha.
We all fell into your trap (me amongst everyone else, since i am posting here).:rolleyes:

say what now :confused: :rolleyes:
they pretend to be metal. but i guess it is a way of defining terms. i 've heard ppl calling NU scene "NU Metal". Maybe they should call them "NU - Metal haters" instead.:heh: If you perceive Slipknot as metal so be it. i won't try to convince you why Slipknot is NOT metal! (always imo).
i dont really have much against slipknot any more. in iowa they seem to have dropped the crap rapping angle and gotten themselves into a heavier kind of metal. i used to hate it when i saw "Slipknot: Death Metal Posse" everywhere, when i know they were nowhere near death metal, but with their new album with songs like "gentle" and "heretic song" they seem to have immersed themselves deeper into the death metal scene.
I think it is ironic from both points of view (positive and negative), as i can garauntee that most of you, if any at all, have hear their first CD. 'Mate, Kill, Feed, Repeat'.

They have a different singer, and a different guitarist that can actually play, and get this! There is guitar solos!!!

If you don't beleive me, go and dl 'Slipknot - Mate, Kill, Feed, Repeat - Gently'. There is two slipknot songs called 'gently', the one off the first album begins with clean-guitar. The 'gently' off the new album is just noise i think, so if you dl it and it's crap, get a different copy.

They actually used to be a good band...! How odd!

(just to keep you straight, i can't stand 'slipknot' or 'iowa', the two albums that everyone likes, i hate them both. just for future reference!)

Go and download 'Gently' now. (make sure it's the good one that starts with clean-guitar)
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