ok, moving aside from the original point, how much work do all the members do? ive been told, and ive seen the left behind video and theres this bloke on the decks scrathing away like theres no tomorrow, and then my friend who likes them turned around and said, 'theres no scratching on this song', now i dont think my friend is a good judge at anything really so is it true? is there no scratching on the song? and little on the album. i was also told theres like 2 drummers or something.
I like Slipknot because I find their music enjoyable - you don't like them because you don't.
but what annoys me is when people as bleedingskeptic said, overlook other bands because they aren't on MTV or Kerrang or don't have a bad bot image. my friend gave me a cut out from an old kerrang of his with Opeth over 2 sides of it, and in big letters it said THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD, now obviously thats an oppinion but it does go some way to suggest that they are a good band in some way. but reading the article they didnt sound satanic and oh were bad boys and the picture was just of 4 normal people wearing normal clothes (blue jeans, jacket) and i wonder what effect it would have had if they were in some extreme clothes and talked about Satan. as it is i think everyone that read that/flicked past it never payed any attention to it.
do you not find it annoying when people associate you with those typical 12 year old i wanna get bac at my parents Slipknot fans? (unless you are one) people that like rap, rnb, garage etc. conjure up an image of a Slipknot fan, and if i say i like metal, they say, are they like slipknot bla bla bla.
where do slipknot rank in your list of favourite bands? they used to be my friends favourite band, then i introduced him to other bands that aren't on MTV/Kerrang and dragged him to concerts, he still likes slipknot, but hes realised there are better bands and slipknot aren't one of his favourite bands anymore. pity all record labels cant afford to have smaller bands played on TV.
You know, you're actually the first person on this board to have annoyed me by posting something like this. I suppose you can count that as an achievement, really.
take it easy, this is a debate, we should be getting upset, don't take it too personaly (although you can if you want) , at least your not crying right
on a lighter note, if you have REM - Monster put it on now, its been in my reject pile for years, and when losing my religion came on the radio (coming back from Highbury, yes we won 3-1) i came home and put it on. ah the memories