Slough Feg with some royal pinkers ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
ok, just got back from the show ... good night all around, although I must say that like Zod said, dinner, was better than SF live ... hmm ... I totally dug the Hammers when I saw them, but SF, something was lacking. They look a little disfunctional on stage too ... not too much chemistry.
YOu know things are getting boring when JK, super fan #1 goes to the back and sits down during their set.
Oddly enough, the opening band Bible of the Devil ( kiccked ass and has some serious riferamma going ... will look into them.

Well, a good night nevertheless, as I got to hang out with some RC'ers ... good meeting you Dark One and Zod and again JK, you sand pony :loco:
Some pics for your viewing pleasure ...






lurch70 said:
ok, just got back from the show ... good night all around, although I must say that like Zod said, dinner, was better than SF live ...
Yeah, the show wasn't very good. I'm dragging ass this morning. Got home at 2:10AM, to work by 7:50AM. I'm lying on my couch when I get home, and not moving till morning.

lurch70 said:
Well, a good night nevertheless, as I got to hang out with some RC'ers ... good meeting you Dark One and Zod and again JK, you sand pony :loco:
Yep. Right back at ya. We'll have to do that again sometime (but hopefully on a Friday or Saturday).

Slough Feg -- great great band, but live....not headliner material. Maybe I got tired myself, but 30 minutes of SF and I was pretty wiped out. They should try to get on to other tours as opposed to their own - not sure how difficult this is in reality.

Some bands are never destined to be headline acts...oh well. (I distinctly remember that with Nile too....after 30 minutes and it all starts to blur...). :erk:

Got to meet the band and sit with Scalzi over a beer!

I am f'd over today, I got in around 3am. Now got a busy day ahead of me. Oh well, at least I'm working from home and sitting in me undies. :loco:

Iron Maiden tomorrow....... :kickass:
JayKeeley said:
They should try to get on to other tours as opposed to their own - not sure how difficult this is in reality.
I'm not sure what they hope to accomplish with this tour. If you're not building your fanbase or making a profit, what's the point of going on tour?

JayKeeley said:
Oh well, at least I'm working from home and sitting in me undies. :loco:

JayKeeley said:
Iron Maiden tomorrow....... :kickass:
Since when do you like Maiden? I thought you were primarily going for Mudvayne?:loco:

You should have stood up in the group picture so we can see how tall you really are. :tickled:

hehe, i am sitting in that pic and am the same height as these guys, that should give you an idea

All I can tell you is, he's bigger that Bill Brasky.


yeah, this show was a little letdown ... but Scalzi has that Lemmy type of metal blood flowing in him it seems, so he really doesn't seem to give a fuck about building a following and all ... but HOM is so much better, he really should concentrate on that.
JayKeeley said:
(I distinctly remember that with Nile too....after 30 minutes and it all starts to blur...).

Seeing Nile live is like sitting inbetween two firing anti-aircraft guns for seven hours, regardless of how long the show actually is.

But yeah, Nile rules anyway.
LOL! Nice pics Lurch. It was great meeting you and your woman as well as getting to see old friends Zod and JK (my neck still hurts from talking to you Lurch, hahahaha). Truth be told, the hanging out saved the night for someone who came all the way up from Philly for the show, because the show itself definitely was not worth the effort. Still had a blast, it's just nicer when no one in the party has to worry about getting up early for work. Agreed with Zod - it's all about Friday and Saturday unless you're taking off the next day...... like me, heh.

Oh yeah, and Vintage Vinyl is the greatest metal music store I've ever been in - this includes Germany!
right on dude ... good times regardless ... it was a fucking brutally hot night as well.

i need to see some thrash show next
Nate The Great said:
Colorado and Western Kansas. We'd meet in Denver of Colorado Springs, I'm assuming.

I see. When I heard "hick" I assumed you all would be closer to me. :) Colorado Springs is nice, I have family there. Never thought about looking up any shows in the area.
Marksveld said:
Seeing Nile live is like sitting inbetween two firing anti-aircraft guns for seven hours, regardless of how long the show actually is.

But yeah, Nile rules anyway.

About the same as seeing Origin live. Origin was probably even more extreme since the only speed they ever play in is 900 bpm, and at triple fucking f fortisimo levels