
Telling it true

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    Votes: 17 65.4%
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    Votes: 3 11.5%
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  • 70 - all of them

    Votes: 3 11.5%

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Crack Hitler said:
I'm now disturbed 'cause of this thought of you shaggin a frog... :ill:

so it survived the actual performance but then you kissed the poor bastard to death?

uhmm.. yep, it's friday, my mind's wandering.

Well, sex was good, so I thought why not turn it into a prince. But I was mistaken. It wasn't charmed.

I love frogs.

by the way, some mates of mine are thinking of calling for some hookers for a full night thing. i'm kinda short with money so i don't think i'll participate...
but then again i don't now. it will calm my nerves if we lose at goodison tomorrow. so i don't know really...
i like the way if your a guy you get to be a stud, yet if your a girl your a slut ..... lmfao!

I had sex with a fence once... does that count?

I should at least get a bonus point for the humiliation of sitting in casualty having some young girl removing the splinters....... ;)